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.NET agent release notesRSS

April 4, 2022
.NET agent v9.7.0.0

Adds support for logging metrics which shows the rate of log message by severity in the Logs chart in the APM view for Log4net, Serilog, and Microsoft.Extensions.Logging. This is enabled by default i

March 15, 2022
.NET agent v9.6.1.0

Fixes application pool allow/deny listing bug introduced in 9.5.0 (#1015)

February 24, 2022
.NET agent v9.6.0.0

Adds new supportability metrics to track agent endpoint data usage. New metrics will be reported under the Supportability/DotNET/Collector namespace. (#899). Uses IMDSv2 instead of IMDSv1 to gather ut

February 3, 2022
.NET agent v9.5.1.0

Fixes application crashes on Alpine Linux introduced in 9.5.0. (#929)

February 1, 2022
.NET agent v9.5.0.0

Internal improvements to runtime detection logic in the profiler component of the agent. (#891)

January 18, 2022
.NET agent v9.4.0.0

Allows NewRelicQueryName to be specified for SQL, to implement this suggestion. Thanks to community contributor @kevinpohlmeier for the implementation. (#799)

January 4, 2022
.NET agent v9.3.0.0

NServiceBus versions 6 and 7 are now supported in .NET Framework and .NET Core. (#857). Add ability to disable agent support for Server-Configuration with NEW_RELIC_IGNORE_SERVER_SIDE_CONFIG environme

November 18, 2021
.NET agent v9.2.0.0

As of version 9.2.0, the New Relic .NET Core agent supports .NET 6.

November 2, 2021
.NET agent v9.1.1.0

Fixes issue #780: Improves management of gRPC channels during connection failure scenarios. (#782). Fixes issue #781: Windows MSI installer was not deploying gRPC libraries for netcore applications. (

October 26, 2021
.NET agent v9.1.0.0

Feature #365: This version adds support for the Linux ARM64/AWS Graviton2 platform using .NET 5.0. (#768)Includes a new Processor Architecture property reported by the Agent with the Environment

September 16, 2021
.NET agent v9.0.0.0

Feature #672: This release of the .NET agent enables distributed tracing by default, and deprecates cross application tracing. (#700). Feature #671: The maximum number of samples stored for span event

August 25, 2021
.NET agent v8.41.1.0

Fixes issue #627: Grpc channel shutdown can cause license_key is required error message. (#663). Fixes issue #683: Requested stack trace depth is not always honored. (#684)

July 21, 2021
.NET agent v8.41.0.0

Feature #611: Capture HTTP request method on transactions in the AspNetCore, Asp35, Wcf3, and Owin wrappers. Feature #580: Send initial app name and source in environment data. (#653). Adds support fo

July 8, 2021
.NET agent v8.40.1.0

Fixes issue #485: SendDataOnExit configuration setting will prevent Infinite Traces data sending interuption on application exit. (#550). Fixes issue #155: MVC invalid Action for valid Controller can

June 8, 2021
.NET agent v8.40.0.0

Adds Agent support for capturing HTTP Request Headers.Support included for ASP.NET 4.x, ASP.NET Core, Owin, and WCF instrumentation. (#558, #559, #560, #561). To enable this feature, the new allowAllH

April 14, 2021
.NET agent v8.39.2.0

Fixes issue #500: For transactions without errors, the agent should still create the error intrinsics attribute with its value set to false. (#501). Fixes issue #522: When the maxStackTraceLines confi

March 17, 2021
.NET agent v8.39.1.0

Fixes issue #22: Agent causes exception when distributed tracing is enabled in ASP.NET Core applications that use the RequestLocalization middleware in a Linux environment. (#493). Fixes issue #267: O

February 10, 2021
.NET agent v8.39.0.0

This allows sites with a Content-Security-Policy that disables 'unsafe-inline' to emit the inline script with a nonce

January 28, 2021
.NET agent v6.27.0.0

The 6.x agent supports legacy frameworks (.NET version 4.5 and lower). If you are on .NET version 4.5 or higher, or if you are on .NET Core, use the 8.x or higher agent versions.

January 26, 2021
.NET agent v8.38.0.0

The agent will now handle having its infinite tracing traffic moved from one backend host to another without losing data or requiring an agent restart. Improved logging of infinite tracing connections

January 4, 2021
.NET agent v8.37.0.0

Adds support for .NET Core applications using RabbitMQ.Client. Adds support for RabbitMQ.Client version 6.2.1. Not supported: Distributed Tracing is not supported with the RabbitMQ AMQP 1.0 plugin. Ad

December 8, 2020
.NET agent v8.36.0.0

Download the appropriate release for your New Relic .NET agent:

November 9, 2020
.NET agent v8.35.0.0

We have validated that this version of the agent is compatible with .NET 5 GA. See the compatibility and requirements for .NET Core page for more details

October 26, 2020
.NET agent v8.34.0.0

We have validated that this version of the agent is compatible with .NET 5 Release Candidate 2

October 12, 2020
.NET agent v8.33.0.0

Fixes #223 so the agent can be compatible with ASP.NET Core 5 RC1. Fixes issue in .NET 5 applications where external calls made with HttpClient may not get instrumented. For example, calls made with H

September 16, 2020
.NET agent v8.32.0.0

Agent configuration supports the obfuscation of the proxy password. The New Relic Command Line Interface (CLI) may be used to obscure the proxy password. The following documentation describes how to u

September 15, 2020
.NET agent v6.26.0.0

The 6.x agent supports legacy frameworks (.NET version 4.5 and lower). If you are on .NET version 4.5 or higher, or if you are on .NET Core, use the 8.x agent versions.

August 17, 2020
.NET agent v8.31.0.0

Certain errors that are expected within the application may be identified so that they will not be counted towards the application's error rate and Apdex Score. Only errors that truly affect the healt

July 16, 2020
.NET agent v8.30.0.0

The New Relic .NET agent is now open source! Now you can view the source code to help with troubleshooting, observe the project roadmap, and file issues directly in this repository. We are now using t

June 25, 2020
.NET agent v8.29.0.0

Additional Transaction Information applied to Span Events When Distributed Tracing and/or Infinite Tracing are enabled, the Agent will now incorporate additional information from the Transaction Event

June 4, 2020
.NET agent v8.28.0.0

Fixes issue with Infinite Tracing where a communication error can result in consuming too much CPU. Fixes issue with Infinite Tracing where a communication error did not clean up its corresponding com

April 30, 2020
.NET agent v8.27.139.0

Distributed Tracing now supports W3C Trace Context headers for HTTP when distributed tracing is enabled. Our implementation can accept and emit both W3C trace header format and New Relic trace header

April 20, 2020
.NET agent v8.26.630.0

This release adds support for Infinite Tracing on New Relic Edge. Infinite Tracing observes 100% of your distributed traces and provides visualizations for the most actionable data so you have the exa

March 11, 2020
.NET agent v8.25.214.0

Thread profiling on Linux will be supported on .NET Core 3.0 or later applications when running .NET agent version 8.23 or later. Triggering a thread profile is done from the Thread profiler page in A

February 19, 2020
.NET agent v8.24.244.0

New method, AddCustomAttribute(string, object) has been added to ITransaction.This new method accepts and supports all data types. Method AddCustomParameter(string, IConvertable) is still available wi

January 15, 2020
.NET agent v8.23.107.0

Event data is now sent to New Relic every five seconds, instead of every minute. As a result, transaction, error, and custom events will now be available in New Relic One and Insights dashboards in ne

.NET agent v6.25.0.0

Fixes security vulnerability NR20-01 which may cause SQL parameter values to appear in the agent log file when the logging level is set to Debug or Finest and the calling application supplies SQL para

December 19, 2019
.NET agent v8.22.181.0

Enables ability to migrate to Configurable Security Policies (CSP) on a per agent basis for accounts already using High Security Mode (HSM). When both HSM and CSP are enabled for an account, an agent

November 14, 2019
.NET agent v8.21.34.0

Fixes a problem that could cause some .NET Core 3.0 applications to hang if they were configured with an invalid license key

October 17, 2019
.NET agent v8.20.262.0

Improved support for WCF.Support for Task-based (TAP) service calls. Distributed Tracing and CAT are automatically supported for HTTP-based binding types (such as BasicHTTP, WebHTTP, WSHTTP). Non-HTTP

October 1, 2019
.NET agent v8.19.353.0

.NET agent installation procedures have been simplified for Windows environments enabling you to more easily monitor .NET Core applications. Our standard installation procedures use a single MSI insta

August 26, 2019
.NET agent v8.18.241.0

Adds instrumentation for StackExchange.Redis asynchronous methods. Generally, these methods end with the Async suffix (e.g., StringSetAsync). Adds support in the .NET Core Agent for StackExchange.Red

.NET agent v6.24.0.0

Resolves security issue where a manually constructed SQL stored procedure invocation may cause sensitive data to be captured in metric names. See Security Bulletin NR19-05.

July 22, 2019
.NET agent v8.17.438.0

This release adds Transaction event attributes that provide context between your Kubernetes cluster and services. For details on the benefits see this blog post. The NewRelic.Agent NuGet package now i

June 11, 2019
.NET agent v8.16.567.0

CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) “pre-flight” requests with the HTTP OPTIONS method were causing extraneous metrics to be generated for ASP.NET Core applications using the CORS middleware. These r

April 22, 2019
.NET agent v8.15.455.0

Fixes a problem with parsing method signatures that do not align with ECMA-335 that could cause an application to crash. Fixes a problem where third-party libraries that perform assembly-scanning usin

.NET agent v6.22.0.0

Resolved security issue with how SQL Server handles escaping which could lead to a failure to correctly obfuscate SQL statements. See Security Bulletin NR19-03

March 18, 2019
.NET agent v8.14.222.0

Fixed issue where transactions may not get reported when custom instrumentation is applied to async methods with a void return type. Instrumenting async void methods is generally not recommended and m

February 12, 2019
.NET agent v8.13.798.0

Improved support for async workloads in self-hosted OWIN applications. Status code only errors are now noticed in self-hosted OWIN applications

January 9, 2019
.NET agent v8.12.216.0

Fixed an issue where the response time of a web transaction could be misreported when making asynchronous external calls whose duration extended beyond the time the web transaction response ended. Fix

December 17, 2018
.NET agent v8.11.157.0

Fixes an issue where stack traces for custom errors outside a transaction were not visible in the Error Analytics UI page. Fixes an issue with auto-instrumenting MongoDB driver calls involving non-pub

November 29, 2018
.NET agent v8.10.51.0

Fixes a bug in SQL-related database instrumentation that potentially causes a CPU spike. This bug appeared in the agent version 8.9.130

November 15, 2018
.NET agent v8.9.130.0

Added auto instrumentation to prevent associating Serilog PeriodicBatchingSink activity with an application’s transactions.

October 18, 2018
.NET agent v8.8.83.0

Fixes potential memory leak when Distributed Tracing is enabled. Fixes an issue where a NullReferenceException is logged for certain data stores (MongoDB and Couchbase) when distributed tracing is ena

October 3, 2018
.NET agent v8.7.75.0

Users can now set a customized host name to be displayed in the APM UI via the newrelic.config file or an environment variable. For more information, visit https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/net-ag

August 28, 2018
.NET agent v8.6.45.0

Download the appropriate release for your New Relic .NET agent:

August 16, 2018
.NET agent v8.5.186.0

Adds support for capturing request.uri attribute for WCF services when available. SQL query parameter values can now be captured on Slow SQL Traces on Linux

July 30, 2018
.NET agent v8.4.880.0

Download the appropriate release for your New Relic .NET agent:

June 19, 2018
.NET agent v8.3.360.0

Download the appropriate release for your New Relic .NET agent:

May 16, 2018
.NET agent v8.2.216.0

Download the appropriate release for your New Relic .NET agent:

May 1, 2018
.NET agent v8.1.712.0

The .NET Framework agent now supports instrumenting ASP.NET Core applications that are running on .NET Framework. The .NET Core specific agent is still required for instrumenting applications running

April 19, 2018
.NET agent v8.1.709.0

The .NET Framework agent now supports instrumenting ASP.NET Core applications that are running on .NET Framework. The .NET Core specific agent is still required for instrumenting applications running

March 7, 2018
.NET agent v6.22.0.0

Security Bulletin NR18-07: The agent will no longer run explain plans on MySQL queries which have multiple statements

.NET agent v8.0.0.0

Adds stripExceptionMessages configuration option to the newrelic.config file. When enabled, this will remove error messages from errors that are reported to New Relic. This is the same behavior as hav

February 20, 2018
.NET agent v7.1.229.0

Improved metadata collection for cloud providers. The agent now collects additional metadata when running in AWS, GCP, and Azure. This information is used to provide an enhanced experience when the ag

February 8, 2018
.NET agent v6.21.0.0

Security Bulletin NR18-04: Fixes issue where error messages were not fully being filtered out of error traces and error events when High Security Mode was enabled

January 22, 2018
.NET agent v7.0.2.0

Modifying custom instrumentation XML files can now be performed without having to restart the monitored application. Instrumentation updates will be applied ‘dynamically’ at runtime. This feature requ

December 18, 2017
.NET agent v6.20.166.0

The request URI for a web transaction will now be included as an attribute of transaction events and error events. The New Relic .NET Status Monitor has been retired and is no longer included in the i

November 30, 2017
November 2, 2017
.NET agent v6.18.139.0

The agent now supports running in FIPS compliance mode

October 3, 2017
.NET agent v6.17.387.0

Adds support for RestSharp library. The Agent can now instrument async and non-async methods from a RestSharp client. For supported methods, please visit here. The application name reported to New Rel

August 28, 2017
.NET agent v6.16.178.0

Custom instrumentation can now be declared by applying the agent API's new Transaction and Trace attributes to methods. Using the Transaction attribute, transactions can be marked as Web vs. Non-Web.

August 3, 2017
.NET agent v6.15.202.0

Adds instrumentation for OWIN hosted Web API applications on .NET framework using Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener versions 3.* Instrumentation includes async-await support. Adds async-await support f

July 12, 2017
.NET agent v6.14.209.0

Performance improvements when slowSQL is enabled, particularly for apps with lots of slow SQL queries

June 15, 2017
.NET agent v6.13.366.0

Agent overhead is reduced for transactions composed of an unusually large number of small activities

May 24, 2017
.NET agent v6.12.71.0

In some cases, the trace breakdown table overreported segment times. This happened when these three conditions were met, 1. instrumentation occurred through custom XML files, 2. the segment name was o

May 17, 2017
.NET agent v6.12.64.0

Fixed an issue preventing injection of a mscorlib reference into every module

May 11, 2017
.NET agent v6.12.61.0

The .NET agent no longer supports Windows Server 2003. Applications running on Windows Server 2003 will be required to use .NET agent version 6.11 or lower. For more information, get support at suppor

May 4, 2017
.NET agent v 6.11.613.0

A new configuration option to supply a proxy URI path has been added to the newrelic.config file. See proxy-uripath

April 5, 2017
.NET agent v

Fixed issue where "Query plan threshold" from server settings was being incorrectly interpreted. This caused a spike in SQL traces as well as explain plan executions for clients using server configura

March 16, 2017
.NET agent v6.9.62.0

Fixes a bug where a SerializationException message is generated in New Relic log during monitoring of asychronous calls. Resolved issue where newrelic.config changes were not being picked up by the ag

March 2, 2017
.NET agent v6.8.172.0

With this release, the agent reports error analytic events. The event type is called TransactionError, and it powers the Error Analytics in APM feature. The error events are also available through New

January 25, 2017
.NET agent v6.7.67.0

Added instrumentation for RabbitMQ client versions 3.5 and above. For more information on which RabbitMQ operations are instrumented, see: Compatibility and requirements for the .NET agent. Added inst

January 12, 2017
.NET agent v6.6.5.0

Fixes an issue where query string parameters of a request's referrer URL get sent to APM when they should not be. For more information see the security bulletin https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/accounts

January 5, 2017
.NET agent v6.5.29.0

The agent now collects datastore instance information for Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostGreSQL, Oracle, DB2, and Redis. This information is displayed in transaction traces and slow query traces. Da

December 19, 2016
.NET agent v6.4.21.0

Transaction events and PageView events now include a common attribute, nr.tripId, which can be used to correlate between them in data returned by Insights. This allows, for example, the browser page l

November 9, 2016
.NET agent v6.3.123.0

Fixed an issue where the agent was not sending data to New Relic upon exit from a very short running application. Fixed a bug where parameterized SQL queries might cause an incorrect explain plan to b

October 13, 2016
.NET agent v6.2.26.0

Added support for IBM DB2 including slow query support. You'll see relevant breakdowns in the overview chart, entries in the Databases tab, and segments in transaction traces

September 29, 2016
.NET agent v6.1.48.0

Added ability to configure the use of Gzip compression instead of Deflate (the default) when sending data to New Relic. This can be useful in cases where DLP software requires Gzip compression for ver

September 14, 2016
.NET agent v6.0.0.0

Async support in .NET.

August 31, 2016
.NET agent v5.22.6.0

Minor performance improvement with cross application tracing

August 23, 2016
.NET agent v5.21.74.0

Async mode - New Requirement: Await-friendly asynchronous pipeline introduced in ASP.NET 4.5 must be turned on in your web config for the instrumentation of async methods. Without this configuration,

June 15, 2016
.NET agent v5.20.61.0

Async mode: Added System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData support to .NET Async mode. All transactions named from this instrumentation will now use the more appropriate naming format of: WebSe

April 26, 2016
.NET agent v5.19.47.0

Async mode: Added support for the metricName and transactionNamingPriority custom instrumentation options when async mode is enabled. Async mode: Added support for Castle MonoRail 2.x when async mode

April 13, 2016
.NET agent v5.18.36.0

Async mode: Instrumentation of NServiceBus is now enabled when the AsyncMode flag is true. Async mode: Added support for Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) instrumentation when Async mode is enabled. Asyn

April 4, 2016
March 11, 2016
.NET agent v5.16.71.0

Async mode: Custom instrumentation is now supported for both synchronous and asynchronous methods when async mode is enabled, however; the metricName and transactionNamePriority elements will not be r

February 24, 2016
.NET agent v5.15.64.0

Async mode: Added support for SqlCommand method ExecuteReaderAsync, ExecuteScalarAsync, ExecuteNonQueryAsync, and ExecuteXmlReaderAsync. Async Mode: Added support for SQL Traces on slow SQL commands w

February 9, 2016
.NET agent v5.14.43.0

Async Mode: Added Agent API support. Async mode: Instrumentation for synchronous SQL commands is available when the agent is in async mode

January 21, 2016
.NET agent v5.13.30.0

Async mode: The .NET agent now reports CPU and Memory usage metrics which will show up on the APM Application Overview page. Async mode: Basic support for Redis and MongoDB are available when the agen

January 7, 2016
.NET agent v5.12.13.0

Async Mode: Added automatic Browser Monitoring support

December 16, 2015
.NET agent v5.11.53.0

Async mode: The .NET agent now has an optional async mode which provides a look at the agent's asynchronous framework instrumentation as it becomes available. As of this release, asynchronous instrume

December 1, 2015
.NET agent v5.10.59.0

Fixed a bug where IIS applications using a classic pipeline app pool would sometimes not report transactions. Fixed a bug where clicking on the transaction name from an error trace would not take you

November 5, 2015
.NET agent v5.9.74.0

Fixes an issue where if a customer was using the default proxy and not specifying one in the New Relic configuration for the Agent the default would not be used potentially causing HTTP status code 50

October 14, 2015
.NET agent v5.8.28.0

Fixes a bug where the .NET Agent was not handling exceptions coming from HttpRequest.Path and HttpRequest.Url properties. Because the exception was unhandled users would see a System.Web.HttprequestVa

October 5, 2015
.NET agent v5.7.17.0

Fixed a bug that caused certain frameworks (such as EpiServer CMS) to throw exceptions when trying to resolve a reference to JetBrains. Fixed a bug that caused ASMX web service exceptions to not be no

September 24, 2015
.NET agent v5.6.53.0

Fixed a bug that prevented self-hosted WCF applications from automatically creating Traced Errors

September 14, 2015
.NET agent v5.5.52.0

Added StackExchange.Redis framework support. The .Net agent now records time spent making StackExchange.Redis API calls, which will appear as Datastore metrics and Transaction Trace segments in New Re

August 27, 2015
.NET agent v5.4.16.0

Added ServiceStack.Redis v3.x and v4.x framework support. The .Net agent now wraps time spent making ServiceStack.Redis API calls, which will appear as Datastore metrics and Transaction Trace segments

August 20, 2015
.NET agent v5.3.90.0

Fixes a bug which caused the .NET Agent to stop reporting intermittently due to an exception raised within the .NET Framework and caught by the Agent. Fixes an unhandled System.ObjectDisposedException

July 22, 2015
.NET agent v5.2.87.0

Web requests for static resources which are handled by System.Web.Optimization will be named with the requested URL instead of the unmapped route parameters (some previously were named {controller}/{a

July 6, 2015
.NET agent v5.1.72.0

Transactions using MVC attribute routing will show the correct action name instead of "Unknown Action"

June 24, 2015
.NET agent v5.0.136.0

Adds an API method for setting the name of the application reported to in New Relic at runtime. Adds a configuration option for stopping the agent from reporting automatically when the agent starts up

May 20, 2015
.NET agent v4.6.29.0

The .NET agent now provides an API for sending custom events to New Relic Insights

May 14, 2015
.NET agent v4.5.90.0

Fixed a bug that sometimes caused thread profiles to be empty

April 29, 2015
.NET agent v4.4.60.0

Web transaction types (seen in tooltips) should now be more meaningful. When you mouse over a transaction, instead of showing it will show ASP, MVC, WebAPI, WebService, WCF, etc

April 16, 2015
.NET agent v4.3.123.0

Non-web transactions can now report Apdex scores. This can be done by marking a non-web transaction as Key Transaction and setting its Apdex threshold to the desired time (in seconds). This allows mon

March 31, 2015
.NET agent v4.2.185.0

Customers who use the MongoDB.Driver for .NET in their applications will start to see MongoDB-based transaction segments. Operations will include data querying, aggregation, index creation/retrieval,

March 18, 2015
.NET agent v4.1.136.0

Fixes a bug that would break WebResources if a response filter was hooked up. This was caused by a bug in AssemblyResourceLoader (part of ASP.NET/WebForms)

March 17, 2015
.NET agent v4.1.134.0

Unified view for SQL database and NoSQL datastore products. For more information, see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/applications-menu/monitoring/databases-slow-queries-dashboard

March 12, 2015
.NET agent v4.0.146.0

ASP.NET, MVC, and Web API instrumentation has been greatly improved. We now time each of the lifecycle events to help diagnose problematic areas of the .NET lifecycle such as session state lock conten

February 19, 2015
.NET agent v3.12.140.0

The .Net Agent now reports Insights Transaction Events for transactions that are errors. New queryable attributes: errorType and errorMessage are reported on these events, providing a reliable way to

January 26, 2015
.NET agent v3.11.296.0

Fixes a bug where setting transaction trace threshold from the New Relic UI would cause it to revert to default. Fixes a bug where the cross application map would sometimes show the wrong color (apdex

November 20, 2014
.NET agent v3.10.43.0

The .NET agent now gives you additional information for requests from New Relic Synthetics. More transaction traces and events give you a clearer look into how your application is performing around th

October 29, 2014
.NET agent v3.9.146.0

Added support for agent-side creation of application labels and categories via newrelic.config or the NEW_RELIC_LABELS environment variable.Labeling enables organization of applications with labels an

October 1, 2014
.NET agent v3.8.1.0

Disables automatic instrumentation of Microsoft Azure Websites SCM service site

September 25, 2014
.NET agent v3.7.135.0

Adds functionality to the system tray application that will collate information commonly asked for by New Relic support and upload it to S3 when instructed to by the user. Response.status is now repor

August 27, 2014
.NET agent v3.6.177.0

You can now fine tune the attributes the .NET agent sends to New Relic. For more information, see .NET agent attributes

August 19, 2014
.NET agent v3.5.107.0

This release enhances cross application tracing with a visualization of the cross application calls that a specific Transaction Trace is involved in. The new visualization helps you spot bottlenecks i

July 24, 2014
.NET agent v3.4.24.0

Provides visibility into Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) activity. Within a web transaction, e.g., you can now see whether a message has been sent to a queue, pulled off a queue, peeked at, or if a que

July 11, 2014
.NET agent v3.3.38.0

Agent-Side High Security Configuration

June 30, 2014
June 20, 2014
May 29, 2014
April 23, 2014
.NET agent v2.25.208.0

Removed unnecessary instrumentation of an ASP.NET pipeline execution method. When automatically inserting the browser monitoring javascript, the agent now assures that a charset meta-tag continues to

March 5, 2014
February 5, 2014
February 4, 2014
January 23, 2014
January 18, 2014
.NET agent v2.20.25.0

Fixes an issue where browser traces were not showing up in New Relic

January 9, 2014
January 1, 2014
December 27, 2013
December 20, 2013
.NET agent v2.17.268.0

This is a patch release to address an issue introduced in where resources were not properly disposed, potentially causing a degradation in throughput over time

December 19, 2013
November 19, 2013
October 22, 2013
October 21, 2013
October 11, 2013
October 2, 2013
September 13, 2013
August 20, 2013
July 24, 2013
June 22, 2013
.NET agent v2.8.1.0

This is an interim release which addresses performance issues by temporarily disabling some features.

June 21, 2013
May 16, 2013
May 10, 2013
March 15, 2013
February 28, 2013
February 8, 2013
January 16, 2013
December 4, 2012
November 28, 2012
November 16, 2012
October 11, 2012
September 20, 2012
August 22, 2012
July 19, 2012
June 7, 2012
April 27, 2012
.NET agent v2.0.8.4

Do a better job of exercising some diagnostic print statements. Strip off the generic qualifier (backtick and beyond) in Exception names when comparing names with a list of exception names to ignore.

February 20, 2012
.NET agent v2.0.7

Extend the command-line tool NewRelic.DiagnosticTool.exe to try to write to logs, %TMP% and to the registry. Add DiagnosticToolDocumentation.html that describes the DiagnosticTool. Improve error messa

January 26, 2012
.NET agent v2.0.6

Fix a bug when profiling functions with non-builtin value types as arguments. such as "KeyValuePair", "Decimal", etc. Make the profiler's interaction with the CLR memory more robust. Improve documenta

December 7, 2011
.NET agent v2.0.5

Bug fixes, debugging support and stability improvements. Do not profile functions ending with .Dispose or .Finalize. Do not reprofile functions that have already been profiled. Load files in extension

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