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Ruby agent release notesRSS

April 4, 2022
Ruby agent v8.6.0

Adds support for forwarding application logs to New Relic. This automatically sends application logs that have been enriched to power Telemetry-in-Context. This is disabled by default in this release.

February 24, 2022
Ruby agent v8.5.0

When querying AWS for instance metadata, include a token in the request headers. If an AWS user configures instances to require a token, the agent will now work. For instances that do not require the

January 25, 2022
Ruby agent v8.4.0

This release includes Rails 7.0 as a tested Rails version. Updates build upon the agent's current Rails instrumentation and do not include additional instrumentation for new features. This method is c

January 10, 2022
Ruby agent v8.3.0

Most of the changes involved updating the multiverse suite to exclude runs for older versions of instrumented gems that are not compatible with Ruby 3.1.0. In addition, Infinite Tracing testing was up

November 29, 2021
Ruby agent v8.2.0

Template rendering using Tilt is now instrumented. Tilt 2.x is supported for Ruby versions 2.2 and above and 1.x is supported for Ruby versions below 2.7. See PR #847 for details. This setting has be

October 27, 2021
Ruby agent v8.1.0

The agent will now automatically instrument Logger, recording number of lines and size of logging output, with breakdown by severity. A bug was introduced to the way the agent installs padrino instrum

September 22, 2021
Ruby agent v8.0.0

This release overhauls the implementation of add_method_tracer, as detailed in issue #502. The main breaking updates are as follows:A metric name passed to add_method_tracer will no longer be interpol

July 2, 2021
Ruby agent v7.2.0

This release adds support for configuration of expected/ignored errors by class name, status code, and message. The following configuration options are now available:error_collector.ignore_classes. e

May 28, 2021
Ruby agent v7.1.0

We now support passing in a nonce to our API method browser_timing_header to allow the Browser agent to run on applications using CSP nonces. This allows users to inject the Browser agent themselves a

April 23, 2021
Ruby agent v7.0.0

Please see our Ruby Agent 6.x to 7.x migration guide for helpful strategies and tips for migrating from earlier versions of the Ruby agent to 7.0.0. We cover new configuration settings, diagnosiing a

January 19, 2021
Ruby agent v6.15.0

The Ruby agent has been verified to run on Ruby 3.0.0. The Ruby agent has been verified to run with Rails 6.1. Special thanks to @hasghari for setting this up!. The Ruby agent has been verified to run

November 17, 2020
Ruby agent v6.14.0

Previously, when calling add_method_tracer with certain combination of arguments, it would lead to the wrapped method's arguments being cloned rather than passed to the original method for manipulatio

September 25, 2020
Ruby agent v6.13.1

A recent change to the Ruby agent to obfuscate URIs sent to external services had the unintended side-effect of removing query parameters from the original URI. This is fixed to obfuscate while also p

September 8, 2020
Ruby agent v6.13.0

When connecting to New Relic, the Ruby Agent uses the value in Agent.config[:host] to post a request to the New Relic preconnect endpoint. This endpoint returns a "redirect host" which is the URL to w

July 13, 2020
Ruby agent v6.12.0

The New Relic Ruby agent is now open source under the Apache 2 license and you can now observe the project roadmap. See our Contributing guide and Code of Conduct for details on contributing!. All ver

June 3, 2020
Ruby agent v6.11.0

This release adds support for Infinite Tracing. Infinite Tracing observes 100% of your distributed traces and provides visualizations for the most actionable data. With Infinite Tracing, you get examp

April 8, 2020
Ruby agent v6.10.0

Error attributes error.class and error.message are now included on the span event in which an error or exception was noticed, and, in the case of unhandled exceptions, on any ancestor spans that also

February 20, 2020
Ruby agent v6.9.0

Distributed tracing now supports W3C Trace Context headers for HTTP protocols when distributed tracing is enabled. Our implementation can accept and emit both the W3C trace header format and the New R

December 30, 2019
Ruby agent v6.8.0

The Ruby agent has been verified to run with Ruby 2.7.0-preview1. New API method for adding custom attributes to spans. Previously, custom attributes were only available at the Transaction level. Now,

October 1, 2019
Ruby agent v6.7.0

Event data is now sent to New Relic every five seconds, instead of every minute. As a result, transaction, error, and custom events will now be available in New Relic One and Insights dashboards in ne

September 5, 2019
Ruby agent v6.6.0.358

Previous versions of the agent sometimes caused application crashes with some versions of ActionCable. The application would exit quickly after startup with the error: uninitialized constant ActionCab

June 26, 2019
Ruby agent v6.5.0

Due to incompatibilities between the faster ActiveRecord connection resolution released in Ruby agent v6.3.0 and other gems that patch ActiveRecord, backport_fast_active_record_connection_lookup will

May 28, 2019
Ruby agent v6.4.0

The agent now collects environment variables prefixed by NEW_RELIC_METADATA_. These may be added to transaction events to provide context between your Kubernetes cluster and your services. For details

April 30, 2019
Ruby agent v6.3.0

This version of the agent has been verified against the Rails 6.0.0 release.As ActiveRecord 4, 5, and 6 use the same New Relic instrumentation, the disable_active_record_4 and disable_active_record_5

March 18, 2019
Ruby agent v6.2.0

Bugfix for superfluous Empty JSON response error messagesVersion 6.1.0 of the agent frequently logged error messages about an empty JSON response, when no error had occurred. These logs no longer appe

February 26, 2019
Ruby agent v6.1.0

Performance monitoring on KubernetesThis release adds Transaction event attributes that provide context between your Kubernetes cluster and services. For details on the benefits, see this blog post. B

January 28, 2019
Ruby agent v6.0.0

Tracer API for flexible custom instrumentationWith agent version 6.0, we are introducing the Tracer class, an officially supported public API for more flexible custom instrumentation. By calling its i

January 14, 2019
Ruby agent v5.7.0.350

Ruby 2.6 supportWe have tested the agent with the official release of Ruby 2.6.0 made on December 25, 2018. Support for loading Sequel core standaloneThe agent will now enable Sequel instrumentation w

December 12, 2018
Ruby agent v5.6.0.349

Bugfix for transactions with ActionController::LivePreviously, transactions containing ActionController::Live resulted in incorrect calculations of capacity analysis as well as error backtraces appear

November 8, 2018
Ruby agent v5.5.0.348

Bugfix for perform instrumentation with curb gemUse of curb's perform method now no longer results in nil headers getting returned. Bugfix for parsing Docker container IDsThe agent now parses Docker c

September 11, 2018
Ruby agent v5.4.0

Capacity analysis for multi-threaded dispatchersMetrics around capacity analysis did not previously account for multi-threaded dispatchers and consequently could result in capacities of over 100% bein

July 31, 2018
Ruby agent v5.3.0.346

Distributed tracingDistributed tracing lets you see the path that a request takes as it travels through your distributed system. By showing the distributed activity through a unified view, you can tro

June 4, 2018
Ruby agent v5.2.0.345

Use priority sampling for errors and custom eventsPriority sampling replaces the older reservoir event sampling method. With this change, the agent will maintain randomness across a given time period

April 30, 2018
Ruby agent v5.1.0.344

Rails 5.2 supportThe Ruby agent has been validated against the latest release of Ruby on Rails!. Support for newer libraries and frameworksWe have updated the multiverse suite to test the agent agains

March 26, 2018
Ruby agent v5.0.0.342

SSL connections to New Relic are now mandatoryPrior to this version, using an SSL connection to New Relic was the default behavior, but could be overridden. SSL connections are now enforced (not overr

January 31, 2018
Ruby agent v4.8.0.341

Initialize New Relic Agent before config initializersWhen running in a Rails environment, the agent registers an initializer that starts the agent. This initializer is now defined to run before config

December 22, 2017
Ruby agent v4.7.1.340

Bugfix for Manual Browser InstrumentationThere was a previous bug that required setting both rum.enabled: false and browser.auto_instrument: false to completely disable browser monitoring. An attempt

December 19, 2017
Ruby agent v4.7.0.339

Expected Error APIThe agent now sends up error.expected as an intrinsic attribute on error events and error traces. When you pass expected: true to the notice_error method, both Insights and APM will

November 13, 2017
Ruby agent v4.6.0

Public API for External RequestsThe agent now has public API for instrumenting external requests and linking up transactions via cross application tracing. See the API Guide for more details on this n

September 28, 2017
Ruby agent v4.5.0.337

Send synthetics headers even when CAT disabledThe agent now sends synthetics headers whenever they are received from an external request, even if cross-application tracing is disabled. Bugfix for Dela

August 28, 2017
Ruby agent v4.4.0.336

Include test helper for 3rd party useIn 4.2.0, all test files were excluded from being packaged in the gem. An agent class method NewRelic::Agent.require_test_helper was used by 3rd party gem authors

July 24, 2017
Ruby agent v4.3.0

Instrumentation for the Bunny AMQP ClientThe Bunny AMQP Client is now automatically instrumented. The agent will report data for messages sent and received by an application. Data on messages is avail

May 25, 2017
Ruby agent v4.2.0.334

Sinatra 2.0 and Padrino 0.14.x SupportThe agent has been verified against the latest versions of Sinatra and Padrino. Rails 5.1 SupportThe Ruby agent has been validated against the latest release of R

April 12, 2017
Ruby agent v4.1.0

Developer Mode removedThe Ruby Agent's Developer Mode, which provided a very limited view of your application performance data, has been removed. For more information, check out our community forum. S

March 16, 2017
Ruby agent v4.0.0.332

Require Ruby 2.0.0+The agent no longer supports Ruby versions prior to 2.0, JRuby 1.7 and earlier, and all versions of Rubinius. Customers using affected Rubies can continue to run 3.x agent versions,

February 9, 2017
Ruby agent v3.18.1.330

Ensure Mongo aggregate queries are properly obfuscatedInstrumentation for the Mongo 2.x driver had a bug where the pipeline attribute of Mongo aggregate queries was not properly obfuscated. Users who

January 23, 2017
Ruby agent v3.18.0.329

Ruby 2.4.0 supportThe agent is now tested against the official release of ruby 2.4.0, excluding incompatible packages. Agent-based metrics will not be recorded outside of active transactionsThe agent

December 13, 2016
Ruby agent v3.17.2.327

Compatibility with Ruby 2.4.0-preview3The Ruby agent has been updated to work on Ruby 2.4.0-preview3. Early Access Sinatra 2.0 instrumentationOur Sinatra instrumentation has been updated to work with

November 8, 2016
Ruby agent v3.17.1.326

Datastore instance reporting for Redis, MongoDB, and memcachedThe agent now collects datastore instance information for Redis, MongoDB, and memcached. This information is displayed in transaction trac

October 18, 2016
Ruby agent v3.17.0.325

Datastore instance reporting for ActiveRecordThe agent now collects database instance information for ActiveRecord operations, when using the MySQL and Postgres adapters. This information (database se

September 27, 2016
Ruby agent v3.16.3.323

Add :trace_only option to notice_error APIPreviously, calling notice_error would record the trace, increment the error count, and consider the transaction failing for Apdex purposes. This method now a

August 22, 2016
Ruby agent v3.16.2.321

Fix for "Unexpected frame in traced method stack" errorsOur ActiveRecord 4.x instrumentation could have generated "Unexpected frame in traced method stack" errors when used outside of an active transa

August 15, 2016
Ruby agent v3.16.1.320

Internal datastore instrumentation rewritesThe agent's internal tracing of datastore segments has been rewritten, and instrumentation updated to utilize the new classes. Fix Grape endpoint versions in

June 27, 2016
Ruby agent v3.16.0.318

Official Rails 5.0 supportThis version of the agent has been verified against the Rails 5.0.0 release. Early access Action Cable instrumentationThe Ruby agent instruments Action Cable channel actions

April 25, 2016
Ruby agent v3.15.2.317

Run explain plans on parameterized slow queries in AR4In our ActiveRecord 4 instrumentation, we moved to tracing slow queries using the payloads from ActiveSupport::Notifications sql.active_record eve

March 24, 2016
Ruby agent v3.15.1.316

Rack 2 alpha supportThis release includes experimental support for Rack 2 as of 2.0.0.alpha. Rack 2 is still in development, but the agent should work as expected for those who are experimenting with

February 17, 2016
Ruby agent v3.15.0.314

Rails 5 supportThis release includes experimental support for Rails 5 as of 5.0.0.beta2. Please note that this release does not include any support for ActionCable, the WebSockets framework new to Rai

February 9, 2016
Ruby agent v3.14.3.313

Don't inadvertently send sensitive information from DataMapper SQLErrorsDataObjects::SQLError captures the SQL query, and when using versions of data_objects prior to 0.10.8, built a URI attribute tha

January 25, 2016
Ruby agent v3.14.2.312

Improved transaction names for SinatraThe agent will now use sinatra.route for transaction names on Sinatra 1.4.3+, which sets it in the request environment. This gives names that closer resemble the

December 10, 2015
Ruby agent v3.14.1.311

Add support for setting a display name on hostsYou can now configure a display name for your hosts using process_host.display_name, to more easily distinguish dynamically assigned hosts. For more info

October 19, 2015
Ruby agent v3.14.0.305

marshaller removedThe deprecated pruby marshaller has now been removed; the marshaller config option now only accepts json. Customers still running Ruby 1.8.7/REE must add the json gem to their Gemfi

September 28, 2015
Ruby agent v3.13.2.302

Don't fail to send data when using libraryVersion 3.12.1 introduced a bug with applications using the library that would prevent the agent from sending data to New Relic. This has been fixed

September 21, 2015
Ruby agent v3.13.1.300

Don't use a pager when running git log commandThis would cause Capistrano deploys to hang when a large number of commits were being deployed. Thanks to John Naegle for reporting and fixing this issue!

August 10, 2015
Ruby agent v3.13.0.299

Bugfix for uninitialized constant NewRelic::Agent::ParameterFilteringUsers in some environments encountered a NameError: uninitialized constant NewRelic::Agent::ParameterFiltering from the Rails instr

June 30, 2015
Ruby agent v3.12.1.298

More granular Database metrics for ActiveRecord 3 and 4Database metrics recorded for non-SELECT operations (UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, etc.) on ActiveRecord 3 and 4 now include the model name that the qu

May 7, 2015
Ruby agent v3.12.0.288

Flexible capturing of attributesThe Ruby agent now allows you more control over exactly which request parameters and job arguments are attached to transaction traces, traced errors, and Insights event

April 5, 2015
Ruby agent v3.11.2.286

Better naming for Rack::URLMapIf a Rack app made direct use of Rack::URLMap, instrumentation would miss out on using the clearest naming based on the app class. This has been fixed. Avoid performance

March 23, 2015
Ruby agent v3.11.1.284

The Ruby agent incorrectly rescued exceptions at a point which caused sequel_pg 1.6.11 to segfault. This has been fixed. Thanks to Oldrich Vetesnik for the report!

March 18, 2015
Ruby agent v3.11.0.283

The response time charts in the application overview page will now include NoSQL datastores, such as MongoDB, and also the product name of existing SQL databases such as MySQL, Postgres, etc.

February 17, 2015
Ruby agent v3.10.0.279

Support for the Grape frameworkWe now instrument the Grape REST API framework! To avoid conflicts with the third-party newrelic-grape gem, our instrumentation will not be installed if newrelic-grape i

December 31, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.9.275

Support for Ruby 2.2A new version of Ruby is available, and the Ruby agent is ready to run on it. We've been testing things out since the early previews so you can upgrade to the latest and greatest a

December 3, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.8.273

Custom Insights events APIIn addition to attaching custom parameters to the events that the Ruby agent generates automatically for each transaction, you can now record custom event types into Insights

November 14, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.7.266

Support for New Relic SyntheticsThe Ruby agent now gives you additional information for requests from New Relic Synthetics. More transaction traces and events give you a clearer look into how your app

October 20, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.6.257

Rails 4.2 ActiveJob supportA new version of Rails is coming! One of the highlight features is ActiveJob, a framework for interacting with background job processors. This release of the Ruby agent adds

September 29, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.5.251

Per-dyno data on HerokuWhen running on Heroku, data from the agent can now be broken out by dyno name, allowing you to more easily see what's happening on a per-dyno level. Dynos on Heroku are now tre

September 8, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.4.245

Allow agent to use alternate certificate storesWhen connecting via SSL to New Relic, the Ruby agent verifies its connection via a certificate bundle shipped with the agent. This caused problems with c

August 25, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.3.241

Fix to prevent proxy credentials transmissionThis update prevents proxy credentials set in the agent config file from being transmitted to New Relic

August 21, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.2.239

Added API for ignoring transactionsThis release adds three new API calls for ignoring transactions:NewRelic::Agent.ignore_transaction. NewRelic::Agent.ignore_apdex. NewRelic::Agent.ignore_enduserignor

July 31, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.1.236

Ruby 1.8.7 users: upgrade or add JSON gem nowRuby 1.8.7 is end-of-lifed, and not receiving security updates, so we strongly encourage all users with apps on 1.8.7 to upgrade.If you're not able to upgr

June 25, 2014
Ruby agent v3.9.0.229

Rack middleware instrumentationThe Ruby agent now automatically instruments Rack middlewares!This means that the agent can now give you a more complete picture of your application's response time, inc

May 16, 2014
Ruby agent v3.8.1.221

Better handling for Rack applications implemented as middlewaresWhen using a Sinatra application as a middleware around another app (for example, a Rails app), or manually instrumenting a Rack middlew

April 22, 2014
Ruby agent v3.8.0.218

Better support for forking and daemonizing dispatchers (e.g. Puma, Unicorn)The agent should now work out-of-the box with no special configuration on servers that fork or daemonize themselves (such as

March 11, 2014
Ruby agent v3.7.3.204

Fix for Puma 2.8.0 cluster mode ('s 2.8.0 release renamed a hook New Relic used to support Puma's cluster mode. This resulted in missing data for users running Puma. Thanks Benjamin Kudr

March 5, 2014
Ruby agent v3.7.3.199

Obfuscation for PostgreSQL explain plansFixes an agent bug with PostgreSQL where parameters from the original query could appear in explain plans sent to New Relic servers, even when SQL obfuscation w

February 18, 2014
Ruby agent v3.7.2.195

Update gem signing cert ( certificate used to sign newrelic_rpm expired in February. This patch updates that for clients installing with verification

February 5, 2014
Ruby agent v3.7.2.192

Mongo instrumentation improvementsUsers of the 'mongo' MongoDB client gem will get more detailed instrumentation including support for some operations that were not previously captured, and separation

January 20, 2014
Ruby agent v3.7.1.188

Correct first reported metric timespan for forking dispatchers ( first time a newly-forked process (in some configurations) reported metric data, it would use the startup time of the pare

December 31, 2013
Ruby agent v3.7.1.182

Fix for Mongo ensure_index instrumentation ( Mongo instrumentation for ensure_index in was not properly calling through to the uninstrumented version of this method. This has be

December 20, 2013
Ruby agent v3.7.1.180

MongoDB supportThe Ruby agent provides support for the mongo gem, versions 1.8 and 1.9! Mongo calls are captured for transaction traces along with their parameters, and time spent in Mongo shows up on

December 5, 2013
Ruby agent v3.7.0.177

Official Rubinius support (for Rubinius >= 2.2.1)We're happy to say that all known issues with the Ruby agent running on Rubinius have been resolved as of Rubinius version 2.2.1! See New Relic on Rubi

November 7, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.9.171

Experimental Rubinius 2.x supportThe agent is now being tested against the latest version of Rubinius. While support is still considered experimental, you can track the progress at https://docs.newrel

October 19, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.8.168

Percentiles and HistogramsThe Ruby Agent now captures data that provides percentile and histogram views in the New Relic UI. Missing Resque transaction tracesA bug in prevented transaction t

October 9, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.8.164

X-Ray Sessions supportX-Ray Sessions provide more targeted transaction trace samples and thread profiling for web transactions. For full details see our X-Ray sessions documentation at https://newreli

September 23, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.7.159

Additional locking option for ResqueThere have been reports of worker process deadlocks in Resque when using the Ruby agent. An optional lock is now available to avoid those deadlocks. See https://new

September 9, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.7.152

Resque-pool supportResque processes started via the resque-pool gem weren't recognized by the Ruby agent. The agent now starts correctly in those worker processes. Environment-based configurationAll s

July 25, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.6.147

HTTPClient and Curb supportThe Ruby agent now supports the HTTPClient and Curb HTTP libraries! Cross application tracing and more is fully supported for these libraries. For more details see https://n

June 27, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.5.130

Rails 4.0 SupportThe Ruby agent is all set for the recent general release of Rails 4.0! We've been tracking the RC's, and that work paid off. Versions 3.6.5 and 3.6.4 of the Ruby agent should work fin

June 18, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.4.122

Exception listWe've improved exception message handling for applications running in high security mode. Enabling 'high_security' now removes exception messages entirely rather than simply obfuscating

May 30, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.3.111

Better Sinatra SupportA number of improvements have been made to our Sinatra instrumentation. More details: https://newrelic.com/docs/ruby/sinatra-support-in-the-ruby-agentSinatra instrumentation has

May 9, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.2.96

Sequel supportThe Ruby agent now supports Sequel, a database toolkit for Ruby. This includes capturing SQL calls and model operations in transaction traces, and recording slow SQL calls. See https://n

April 29, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.1.88

Full URIs for HTTP requests are recorded in transaction tracesWhen recording a transaction trace node for an outgoing HTTP call via Net::HTTP, the agent will now save the full URI (instead of just the

March 20, 2013
Ruby agent v3.6.0.83

Sidekiq supprtThe Ruby agent now supports the Sidekiq background job framework. Traces from Sidekiq jobs will automatically show up in the Background tasks on New Relic similar to Resque and Delayed::

February 28, 2013
Ruby agent v3.5.8.72

Key TransactionsThe Ruby agent now supports Key Transactions! Check out more details on the feature at https://newrelic.com/docs/site/key-transactions. Ruby 2.0The Ruby agent is compatible with Ruby 2

February 20, 2013
Ruby agent v3.5.7.59

Resolved some issues with tracking of front-end queue time, particularly when the agent is running on an app hosted on Heroku. The agent will now more reliably parse the headers described in https://n

February 14, 2013
Ruby agent v3.5.6.55

Use HTTPS by defaultThe agent now defaults to using SSL when it communicates with New Relic's servers. By defaults already configured, New Relic does not transmit any sensitive information (e.g. SQL p

January 9, 2013
Ruby agent v3.5.5.38

Add thread profiling supportThread profiling performs statistical sampling of backtraces of all threads within your Ruby processes. This feature requires MRI >= 1.9.2, and is controlled via the New Re

December 26, 2012
Ruby agent v3.5.4.34

Fix incompatibility with logging gem by renaming NewRelic::Agent::Thread to NewRelic::Agent::AgentThread

December 18, 2012
Ruby agent v3.5.4.33

Add queue time support for sinatra appsSinatra applications can now take advantage of front-end queue time reporting. Thanks to Winfield Peterson for this contribution. Simplify queue time configurati

December 5, 2012
Ruby agent v3.5.3.25

Update the collector protocol to use JSON and Ruby primitivesThe communication between the agent and the NewRelic will not longer be marshaled Ruby objects, but rather JSON in the case of Ruby 1.9 and

November 15, 2012
Ruby agent v3.5.2.17

Simplified process of running agent test suite and documented code contribution process in GUIDELINES_FOR_CONTRIBUTING

November 13, 2012
Ruby agent v3.5.1.14

Enabling Memory Profiling on Lion and Mountain LionThe agent's list of supported platforms for memory profiling wasn't correctly checking for more recent versions of OS X. Fixed an arity issue encount

October 23, 2012
Ruby agent v3.5.0.1

(performance) Gradual slowdown on Phusion PassengerThis release resolves a performance issue that effected sites running on some versions of Phusion Passenger. The issue manifests as a slow degradatio

October 9, 2012
Ruby agent v3.5.0

(Fix) RUM Stops Working After Agent Upgradev3.4.2.1 introduced a bug that caused the browser monitor auto instrumentation (for RUM) default to be false. The correct value of true is now used.

September 13, 2012
Ruby agent v3.4.2.1

Fix issue when app_name is nilIf the app_name setting ends up being nil an exception got generated and the application wouldn't run. This would notably occur when running a Heroku app locally without

September 6, 2012
Ruby agent v3.4.2

Support for Apdex T in server side configurationFor those using server side configuration the Ruby Agent now supports setting the Apdex T value via the New Relic UI. The RUM NRAGENT tk value gets more

July 26, 2012
Ruby agent v3.4.1

Fix edge case in RUM auto instrumentation where X-UA-Compatible meta tag is present but </head> tag is missing.There is a somewhat obscure edge case where RUM auto instrumentation will crash a request

June 27, 2012
Ruby agent v3.4.0.1

Prevent the agent from resolving the collector address when disabled. Fix for error collector configuration that was introduced during beta

June 4, 2012
Ruby agent v3.4.0

Major refactor of data transmission mechanism. This enabled child processes to send data to parent processes, which then send the data to the New Relic service. This should only affect Resque users, d

May 31, 2012
Ruby agent v3.3.5

Replaced "Custom/DJ Locked Jobs" metric with three new metrics for monitoring DelayedJob: queue_length, failed_jobs, and locked_jobs, all under Workers/DelayedJob. Fix allowing instrumentation of meth

April 26, 2012
Ruby agent v3.3.4.1

Bug fix when rendering empty collection in Rails 3.1+

April 19, 2012
Ruby agent v3.3.4

Rails 3 view instrumentation

March 29, 2012
Ruby agent v3.3.3

Improved Sinatra instrumentation. Limit the number of nodes collected in long running transactions to prevent leaking memory

March 15, 2012
Ruby agent v3.3.2.1

fix for cookie handling by End User Monitoring instrumentation

February 16, 2012
Ruby agent v3.3.2

deployments recipe change: truncate git SHAs to 7 characters. Fixes for obfuscation of PostgreSQL and SQLite queries. Fix for lost database connections when using a forking framework. Workaround for R

December 15, 2011
Ruby agent v3.3.1

Performance and stability improvements. Restored compatibility with Ruby 1.8.6

November 7, 2011
Ruby agent v3.3.0

New slow SQL tracing feature. New expanded browser tracing

October 13, 2011
Ruby agent v3.2.0

Yet more work on Delayed Job instrumentation. Threading fixes. More Heroku friendly logging system

July 28, 2011
Ruby agent v3.1.1

The agent now works with the Rails 3.1 release candidates. More reliable loading of several types of instrumentation, most notably Delayed Job

June 15, 2011
Ruby agent v3.1.0

Support for aggregating data from short-running processes to reduce reporting overhead. Fixed: Issue with RUM and empty response bodies. Patch: Clear GC::Profiler statistics under 1.9.2 to prevent mem

May 20, 2011
Ruby agent v3.0.1

Updated Real User Monitoring to reduce JavaScript size and improve compatibility, fix a few known bugs

May 11, 2011
Ruby agent v3.0.0

Support for Real User Monitoring. Back-end work on internals to improve reliability. Added a log_file_name and log_file_path configuration variable to allow setting the path and name of the agent log

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