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Browser agent release notesRSS

January 25, 2022
Browser agent v1215

Internal NR Platform release date: 01/24/2021. Production APM-injected release date: TBD. Production Standalone release date: TBD

January 6, 2022
Browser agent v1214

The Largest Contentful Paint (largestContentfulPaint) and First Interaction (firstInteraction) PageViewTiming events will now include attributes from the NetworkInformation API (on compatible browsers

November 8, 2021
Browser agent v1212

Largest Contentful Paint will now stop being tracked when page visibility changes to hidden. This aligns with the web-vitals library.

October 6, 2021
Browser agent v1211

Previously, XHR/fetch requests were captured as AjaxRequest events only when they were part of a route change. With this change, all requests will be captured as events. This feature can be further co

June 30, 2021
Browser agent v1210

PageHide PageViewTiming events are used to query CLS values. In cases where the page was never hidden, inconsistencies would arise because the PageViewTiming event with that type would not be collecte

May 26, 2021
Browser agent v1209

Up to 120 PageAction events can be harvested every 30 seconds.

March 11, 2021
Browser agent v1208

The agent retries harvest XHR requests when it receives 408, 429, 500 or 503 response codes. Additionally, includes a security update to address NR21-01.

February 1, 2021
Browser agent v1198

The agent now sends JS errors and AJAX metrics data as body of a standard XHR request. This makes it possible to send more data than the maximum allowed length of URL query string.

January 11, 2021
Browser agent v1194

The promise instrumentation has been updated to reduce performance overhead on web sites that use large number of promises.

September 30, 2020
Browser agent v1184

Custom attributes created using the setCustomAttribute API method will now be included in all PageViewTiming events.

August 18, 2020
Browser agent v1177

We are excited to announce the release of Cumulative Layout Shift, the third and final metric in Google's Core Web Vitals. This metric is an important, user-centric metric for measuring visual stabili

July 29, 2020
Browser agent v1173

Browser in distributed tracing now supports W3C trace context headers. W3C Trace Context is a standard that makes distributed tracing easier to implement, more reliable, and ultimately more valuable f

May 22, 2020
Browser agent v1169

The agent now accepts new configuration privacy.cookies_enabled. When it is set to false (OFF), the agent doesn't write any cookies (JSESSIONID & NREUM) and it also notifies the intake server to not r

February 7, 2020
Browser agent v1167

Resolved a bug that caused a script error when the windowUnload event fired. This issue affected only Internet Explorer prior to version 9.

February 5, 2020
Browser agent v1163

With this release of the New Relic Browser agent, we now support new metrics, largestContentfulPaint and windowUnload, in our PageViewTiming event. With the release of Chrome 77, Google now reports a

December 19, 2019
Browser agent v1158

This agent release includes functionality to support the addition of cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for Browser's distributed tracing feature. This agent will be rolled out prior to the feature

November 8, 2019
Browser agent v1153

New Relic now supports end-to-end distributed tracing with this release. For our Browser & APM Pro customers, you can now enable the Browser spans for any app that uses our Browser Pro + SPA agent.Thi

July 16, 2019
Browser agent v1130

For browsers that support the Paint Timing API, these two values are now collected and made available as attributes on the PageView and BrowserInteraction (initial load) events.

April 19, 2019
Browser agent v1123

Angular calls abort() on the XHR object after it successfully finishes. This was seen by our instrumentation as a call that did not finish, and as a result status code was set to 0 and reported as a

January 4, 2019
Browser agent v1118

Custom attributes collected with the setCustomAttribute() and interaction.setAttribute() API methods are now added to JavascriptError events. The noticeError() API method now accepts a second argume

October 4, 2018
Browser agent v1099

The Browser agent, sometimes called the JavaScript agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, and Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of th

December 4, 2017
Browser agent v1071

The Browser agent, sometimes called the JavaScript agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, and Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of th

October 2, 2017
Browser agent v1059

The Browser agent, sometimes called the JavaScript agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, and Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of th

July 17, 2017
Browser agent v1044

The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, and Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.

June 22, 2017
Browser agent v1039

The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, and Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.

March 20, 2017
Browser agent v1026

The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS Agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.

January 19, 2017
Browser agent v1016

The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS Agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.

November 3, 2016
Browser agent v998

The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS Agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.

August 24, 2016
Browser agent v974

The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS Agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.

August 17, 2016
Browser agent v971

The Browser Agent, sometimes called the JS Agent, has multiple variants: Lite, Pro, Pro+SPA. Unless noted otherwise, all features/improvements/bug fixes are available in all variants of the agent.

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