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Android agent release notesRSS

March 9, 2022
Android agent v6.5.0

Add support for passing Throwable types to NewRelic.recordHandledException()

January 25, 2022
Android agent v6.4.1

Resolved an error when transforming some libraries during build time. Detailed message: transformArchive: java.util.zip.ZipException: duplicate entry: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. Resolved a 'java.lang.NoCl

January 12, 2022
Android agent v6.4.0

Resolved D8/R8 warning messages: Expected stack map table for method with non-linear control flow. Fixed crash caused by NoSuchMethodError that occurred on Android 5 and 6. Reverted the fix for missin

October 18, 2021
Android agent v6.3.1

Deprecated SDK location support, and removed geolocation listener from agent

October 8, 2021
Android agent v6.3.0

This release is invalid and should not be used. Please use Android agent version 6.3.1.

August 24, 2021
Android agent v6.2.1

Update ASM API level for all classes to fix a build error indicating: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This feature requires ASM7 when running on JDK 11 and Gradle 7+. Emit log messages to war

August 1, 2021
Android agent v6.2.0

Add suppport for Android Gradle plugin (AGP) version 7.0. Update instrumentation support level to JDK 11

June 29, 2021
Android agent v6.1.0

In consideration of customers still dependent on Android 5.0, we've reverted the minimum supported SDK level (minSdkVersion) from 24 to 21.

March 17, 2021
Android agent v6.0.0

Welcome to the New Relic Android agent version 6.0. This major release breaks compatibility with older 2.x and early 3.x versions of the Android Gradle Plugin (AGP).

December 15, 2020
Android agent v5.28.1

Crash reports uploads are sent immediately for wired connections (i.e., AndroidTV). Previously, crashes were deferred until the first harvest of the next app launch

October 15, 2020
Android agent v5.28.0

The agent will no longer reject events containing invalid attributes. Attributes that fail basic event validation are pruned from the map of provided event attributes. We've also corrected an event cr

September 10, 2020
Android agent v5.27.1

Fixed MissingPropertyException thrown by newRelicInstrumentTask when building with Android Gradle Plugin 2.x

September 3, 2020
Android agent v5.27.0

Maps will only be reported during select variant builds (i.e., Release). Build variants are assigned unique build IDs. Maps can be compressed prior to upload

July 13, 2020
Android agent v5.26.0

Updated for Android Gradle Plugin 4.0. See the Android compatibility matrix here

May 18, 2020
Android agent v5.25.2

Fixed additional incompatibilities with DexGuard and AGP 3.6. Fixed automatic map uploads for some variants types, broken in the previous hotfix (our apologies)

May 6, 2020
Android agent v5.25.1

Fixed detection of DexGuard-generated mapping.txt files (""). Update OkHttp request transaction state when interceptors are used. Improved visibility into obfuscation map uploads. Users can invoke the

April 6, 2020
Android agent v5.25.0

Adds support for Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) version 3.6. AGP 3.6 requires version 5.25.0 of the New Relic agent. Previous agent versions are not supported with 3.6. Apache HttpClient instrumentation

February 18, 2020
Android agent v5.24.3

The agent now uploads files to New Relic when tasks are used with Dexguard

December 3, 2019
Android agent v5.24.2

Fixed a harvest error that occurred when the sum of all activity traces exceeded the default limit (64k characters), and filtering removed all traces. Fixed a set of DEX failures that emerged when JSO

October 28, 2019
Android agent v5.24.1

Clear up duplicate reporting of device data. Address a build failure when instrumenting apps using Gson 2.8.6. Exclude additional 3rd party packages from instrumentation (to address a D8 crash)

September 24, 2019
Android agent v5.24.0

Updated instrumentation to include Fragment and Activity classes derived from androidx support packages. Updated 3rd party licenses information

May 6, 2019
Android agent v5.23.0

Refactored New Relic Agent plugin to conform to Gradle 5

March 8, 2019
Android agent v5.22.1

Fixes an issue that caused lock contention on the main thread when an Activity or Fragment started during harvest

February 4, 2019
Android agent v5.22.0

Updated instrumentation support for OkHttp to version 3.12.0Minimum supported versions are now OkHttp 3.5.0, and OkIO 1.11.0. Dependency JARs using signature validation are detected during instrumenta

January 3, 2019
Android agent v5.21.3

Fixes build failure when Kotlin extensions are used. Eliminates a race condition that could result in ANR in apps that make many concurrent network requests

December 3, 2018
Android agent v5.21.2

Corrects a condition where a Gradle task would block when uploading Proguard/Dexguard map files

November 26, 2018
Android agent v5.21.1

Corrects a problem detecting R8-generated map files. Removes unnecessary Proguard map file processing task

November 5, 2018
Android agent v5.21.0

Add support for the upcoming Android D8/R8 toolset. Discontinue the New Relic Maven plugin. Disable CPU sampling for apps running on Android 8 and higher

October 15, 2018
Android agent v5.20.0

Support for the Maven plugin is now deprecated, and will be removed in version 5.21.0. The minimum supported SDK level (minSdkVersion) is now 14 (Android 4.0)

September 10, 2018
Android agent v5.19.1

Fixes NoClassDefFoundError crash due to missing Apache classes for apps targeting Android 9 (SDK versions or 28 ). This release is only needed by apps that target SDK 28 or higher.

June 8, 2018
Android agent v5.19.0

The agent will now recognize region-specific application tokens

April 3, 2018
Android agent v5.18.1

Fixed problem reading from the error stream of instrumented Http/HttpsUrlConnection requests. Fixed problems uploading Proguard/Dexguard mapping.txt files. Eliminated a delay in shutting down the app

March 7, 2018
Android agent v5.18.0

Addressed potential ANR at launch when an app has the Firebase performance monitoring SDK also running

February 14, 2018
Android agent v5.17.2

Fixed instrumentation failures introduced in the 5.17.0 release. Corrected a hang during instant app shutdown that could occur during a crash

February 8, 2018
Android agent v5.17.1

Fixed trace instrumentation crash introduced in 5.17.0 release

February 7, 2018
Android agent v5.17.0

The agent now detects and instruments all feature modules for an instant app. Because instant apps are typically side-loaded, users must add NewRelic.start() calls to each entry point activity in the

December 14, 2017
Android agent v5.16.0

MobileRequestError events now contain the response body returned in the network request response, if one exists. Response bodies will only be reported if the withHttpResponseBodyCaptureEnabled feature

November 8, 2017
Android agent v5.15.2

The NetworkRequests feature flag is now enabled by default. The feature can still be disabled (and re-enabled) at any time if the additional MobileRequest events are not needed. Added a feature flag f

October 18, 2017
Android agent v5.15.1

The agent has added API methods to report handled exception events to Insights! Details and examples of how to use the new APIs can be found in the Android SDK API document recordHandledException. We'

October 2, 2017
Android agent v5.15.0

This release has been removed due to deployment issues with Jcenter. Please use release version 5.15.1 instead.

June 14, 2017
Android agent v5.14.0

The agent now reports network request events to Insights! This feature must be enabled when starting the agent using the FeatureFlag. When enabled all network calls will be tracked, in addition to ne

May 10, 2017
Android agent v5.13.0

Added a new event type that allows you to annotate the execution of your app, to help troubleshoot crashes and provide greater detail in Insights. See the recordBreadcrumb() API docs for more informa

April 21, 2017
Android agent v5.12.3

Validate custom event type names with the same rules as the backend service, reporting invalid event types to the user immediately. Previous agent versions would allow custom event type names that wou

March 29, 2017
Android agent v5.12.2

Fix instrumentation failure when using Dexguard, Retrolambda and build product flavors

March 23, 2017
Android agent v5.12.1

Fix a null pointer exception crash that occurred during completion of activity traces. Optimize updates to the analytics attribute store. OkHttp3 responses are no longer pre-buffered. Streamed respons

March 8, 2017
Android agent v5.12.0

With this agent release, Mobile custom events are now recorded as their own event type in New Relic Insights. Until this release, custom events for New Relic Mobile were bundled under the "Mobile" eve

February 28, 2017
Android agent v5.11.0

The agent now generates events describing failures in network requests. This new event tracks networking and HTTP errors, and includes attributes for common request properties. More details can be fo

January 12, 2017
Android agent v5.10.0

Fixed instrumentation failures that occurred when building apps that used both Dexguard and the Android Retrolambda plugin. Updated agent logging to remove noise and conform to Gradle logging conventi

December 6, 2016
Android agent v5.9.0

Starting with this version of the SDK, you can set a custom user identifier value that can be used to associate user sessions with analytics events and attributes. Check out the NewRelic.setUserId met

October 18, 2016
Android agent v5.8.4

Fixed content length tracking and reporting failure for Retrofit ResponseBody contents

October 3, 2016
Android agent v5.8.3

This release updates OkHttp3 instrumentation. OkHttp3 instrumentation is the automatic instrumentation for apps using the OkHttp version 3 HTTP client library for synchronous and asynchronous network

September 29, 2016
Android agent v5.8.2

Addressed a potential crash that could occur when using OkHttp3 with both interceptors and caching

September 26, 2016
Android agent v5.8.0

This release adds automatic instrumentation for apps using the OkHttp version 3 HTTP client library for synchronous and asynchronous network requests. OkUrlFactory is also now supported when used with

September 2, 2016
Android agent v5.7.1

Fixed a hang due to a sampling race condition that occurred when an app's crash was uploaded to New Relic

August 4, 2016
Android agent v5.7.0

We are pleased to announce support for Dexguard.Full build time compatibility with . Full instrumentation support. De-obfuscated crash report stack traces

May 31, 2016
Android agent v5.6.1

Fixes crashes when initializing JsonObject instances with null values. The class constructor now throws a JSONException if the passed JSON string argument is null. Fixes crashes that resulted from att

May 4, 2016
Android agent v5.6.0

A set of OkHttp2 request exceptions, previously listed as errors, have been adapted to reportable error types. Crash reports that are collected, but cannot be immediately uploaded, are saved locally.

March 8, 2016
Android agent v5.5.0

This release adds a new feature flag, , that controls whether automatically instrumented (default) interactions are collected by the agent. With auto-instrumented interactions disabled, only custom in

February 10, 2016
Android agent v5.4.1

Prevent duplication of the New Relic HTTP header used for cross application tracing ('X-NewRelic-Id') if the request is replayed through OkHttp. The agent will now send the HTTP header 'X-NewRelic-Id'

January 7, 2016
Android agent v5.4.0

Interaction tracing can now be globally disabled with the new API method, NewRelic.withInteractionTracing(boolean). This method should be called prior to starting the agent, but it can be changed any

November 24, 2015
Android agent v5.3.3

This release adds two new Insights attributes for the upcoming Mobile Version Trends Report: install, and upgradeFrom. This allows tracking when a session includes a new install or a new upgrade. The

October 29, 2015
Android agent v5.3.2

Android Gradle plugin 1.4 compatibility (1.4.0-beta6)Google is working to improve the build system within Android Developer Toolkit (ADT) and as of version 1.4.0-beta2 a change was made that breaks co

October 12, 2015
Android agent v5.3.1

Retrofit compatibility - this release of the Android SDK adds support for the current beta version of the Retrofit library (2.0.0-beta2) and addresses a crash that may have occurred previously when ma

September 3, 2015
Android agent v5.3.0

This release adds a new API method withApplicationBuild(String build) which replaces the now deprecated method, withBuildIdentifier(String build). The functionality remains the same, allowing the appl

August 5, 2015
Android agent v5.2.1

Fixes a crash that occurred when attempting to cast the result of OkHttpFactory.open() to a javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection, resulting in a java.lang.ClassCastException. Resolves a crashing java.lang

July 29, 2015
Android agent v5.2.0

The SDK now tracks the number and duration of network requests per interaction, which will be used in upcoming features. Deprecates the NewRelic.shutdown() method, which will be removed from the API i

June 19, 2015
Android agent v5.1.2

Resolves an issue where the connection type used by the app may have been incorrectly reported

June 5, 2015
Android agent v5.1.1

Resolves a compatibility issue that may occur when running apps on Android M preview

June 3, 2015
Android agent v5.1.0

The Android SDK will now collect an app build identifier when an app crashes, which will be displayed in parentheses beside the version number in the Crash Details page in RPM. This value defaults to

May 19, 2015
Android agent v5.0.3

Fixes a crash resulting from empty body responses when using version 1.9 of the Retrofit library. Corrects an internal issue with reserved attribute names. 'interactionDuration' is now a reserved attr

May 1, 2015
Android agent v5.0.1

Corrects an issue where the timeSinceLoad attribute may not have been sent for Insights Events

Android agent v5.0.0

This release introduces Insights for New Relic Mobile.

April 8, 2015
Android agent v4.273.4

Addresses an issue that could cause a null pointer exception when an empty response body was received using older versions of the Retrofit library. Corrects a potential ConcurrentModificationException

March 4, 2015
Android agent v4.265.0

This release adds instrumentation for versions 2.1+ of Square's OkHttp library. 1.x versions continue to be supported. This release also adds support for the Retrofit (1.8+) and Picasso (2.4+) librari

February 19, 2015
Android agent v4.244.0

A custom application version can now be set using the new method NewRelic.withApplicationVersion(String appVersion). Added the method NewRelic.recordMetric(String name, String category) to allow recor

February 5, 2015
Android agent v4.190.0

Improved instrumentation of the OkHttp library v1.6 to include support for OkURLFactory

January 8, 2015
Android agent v4.178.0

Addresses an issue that may have caused an upgraded application to continue reporting the older version of the application to New Relic. Corrects a potential RuntimeException when the HEAD method was

November 21, 2014
Android agent v4.120.0

You can now disable the capture of the HTTP response body for requests by calling NewRelic.disableFeature(FeatureFlag.HttpResponseBodyCapture). You can now disable crash reporting by calling NewRelic.

October 29, 2014
Android agent v4.98.0

Resolves a crash in InputStream instrumentation when chunked transfer encoding is used. Custom interaction names, when specified, are now used in Crash interaction history trails

October 22, 2014
Android agent v4.95.0

Corrects an issue where the agent may crash under certain concurrent access of instrumented InputStream implementations. Corrects an issue where a thread pool was not properly getting destroyed upon a

October 8, 2014
Android agent v4.87.0

This release introduces crash reporting for mobile apps. Crash reporting supports capture and reporting of unhandled Java runtime exceptions. Crashes include interaction trails: a history of automatic

August 22, 2014
Android agent v3.429.0

New Gradle PluginWe've rewritten the New Relic Gradle plugin from the ground up to impose a smaller footprint on your build and improve compatibility with the new Gradle Daemon

July 24, 2014
Android agent v3.419.0

Naming changes to Interaction TracesWe've changed the naming scheme for Interaction Traces to be more clear. Instead of "ActivityClass#onCreate", you'll see "Display ActivityClass". If you want to cha

June 12, 2014
Android agent v3.407.0

API methods now check for bad values and throw IllegalArgumentExceptionPreviously, our API methods would silently discard bad data without recording errors or metrics. We've changed this behavior to b

May 15, 2014
Android agent v3.378.0

CPU vitals in Interaction traces.We've added CPU vitals in interaction traces. You'll now be able to see your application's usage of the device's CPU(s) as a percentage of the total CPU time

April 7, 2014
Android agent v3.361.0

Better auto-naming support for Fragments.Previously, separating fragments from the calling Activity required renaming the running interaction. Now, Fragments have first class treatment and will show u

March 11, 2014
Android agent v3.330.0

Ensure interactions complete when an app leaves the foreground.Previously, it was possible for an interaction to persist across application foreground/background lifecycles if a trace segment was stil

February 26, 2014
Android agent v3.308.0

New API methods for adding cross application tracing headers to noticeHttpTransaction().In case the New Relic agent doesn't support the HTTP API you're using, you can manually submit a transaction via

January 16, 2014
Android agent v3.264.0

New API method for configuring logging verbosity.You can now choose how verbose the agent will be at boot by chaining withLogLevel() before your NewRelic start() call. The default level is INFO. New A

December 17, 2013
Android agent v3.239.0

Call checkcast before invoking NR instrumentation.This fixes an issue where the Dalvik VM refuses to load a class with our instrumentation in cases where the inbound object is not the expected type as

December 1, 2013
Android agent v3.214.0

End to end instrumentation for your mobile applications. Automatic instrumentation of important system objects and methods. Customizability to allow for instrumentation of your most important objects

November 21, 2013
Android agent v2.444.0

Fixed rare bug in Eclipse where all projects are built with New Relic regardless of agent jar presence

September 25, 2013
Android agent v2.433.0

Added support for ProGuard with Ant builds. Clarified naming of unknown carriers on Android

September 11, 2013
Android agent v2.426.1

Added support for ProGuard with Ant builds. *Note: Version 2.426.0 of the Android agent already works with ProGuard and other build systems (Gradle, Maven, and Eclipse)

June 27, 2013
Android agent v2.426.0

The agent now detects if the app was instrumented properly and displays an error message if otherwise. The Eclipse plugin now refreshes your project after installing/updating New Relic. Improved post

June 7, 2013
Android agent v2.397.0

Now you can add New Relic to your Gradle builds. Android Studio support via Gradle/Maven

May 31, 2013
Android agent v2.365

Eclipse plugin support. Maven Sonatype repository. Simplified Ant installation

May 8, 2013
Android agent v1.363

New Relic for Android is now compatible with Android 2.2 (API Level 8)

March 29, 2013
Android agent v1.347

Improved setup and configuration support, especially on Windows

March 13, 2013
Android agent v1.338

Happy Pi Day!. Welcome to New Relic for Mobile Apps, we're glad to have you aboard

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