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Error tracking with errors inbox

Errors inbox is a single place to proactively detect, triage, and take action on all the errors before they impact customers. Receive alerts whenever a critical, customer-impacting error arises via your preferred communication channel, like Slack.

Resolve errors faster with errors from across your stack, including all APM, browser (RUM), mobile, and serverless (AWS Lambda) data, displayed on one screen. Errors are grouped to cut down on noise, and collaborating across teams is easy with shared visibility to the same error data.

Why it matters

Errors inbox provides a unified error tracking experience to detect and triage errors:

  • View and triage issues across applications and services that your team cares about for faster error resolutions.
  • Proactive notifications with detailed error information in Slack.
  • Error profiles to show similarities between error events and surface the root cause by analyzing attributes.
  • Analyze errors in context of the full stack and resolve errors with precision.
  • APM, browser, mobile, and AWS Lambda Functions errors are all captured in the same inbox.

Ready to get started? Make sure you have a New Relic account. It's free, forever!


Access to log management capabilities is limited by user type. See user type capabilities.

Set up errors inbox

To enable errors inbox, follow these steps. Afterwards, errors groups should start to appear in your inbox.

  1. From one.newrelic.com select Errors inbox from the top nav.
  2. If this is your first time accessing errors inbox, you will be prompted to select a workload in the top left.
  3. If you have no workloads set up, you will be prompted to create one before you can use errors inbox.

Once you select your workload, your inbox should populate with error groups.

This is an image of the main errors inbox UI

one.newrelic.com > More > Errors inbox

Monitor errors

Once you've set up your errors inbox, you can begin proactively monitoring all errors in your stack:

Error groups

Error groups are sets of events that make up a unique error. Error groups are stored long term and contain metrics, activity log, discussions, and basic information about the unique error. Error groups are tied to the entity, so making a change to the state of an error group in one errors inbox will impact all other inboxes that contain that entity.

How error groups work

Error events get grouped into an error group when they share the same fingerprint. As events are ingested by New Relic, we run the events through a set of managed rules that output a fingerprint. Every unique fingerprint has a single error group associated with it.

The New Relic managed rules normalize the error data, identifying and ignoring unique values such as UUIDs, hex values, email addresses, etc. that would cause grouping “like” errors into unique groups. NR account ID, entity ID, error class, error message, stack trace and exception are all data that can impact a fingerprint.


Your errors inbox displays the total number of occurrences of each error group within the selected timeframe. The corresponding sparkline chart displays the total number of occurrences per day over the selected timeframe as you hover over it.

Sort By Filter

Using the dropdown in the top right, you can sort the list of grouped errors by the number of occurrences or by the error that was last seen (latest first).

Triage errors

Errors status

Errors inbox enables you to triage error groups directly from the main screen or from the error details page. Triaging helps remove the noise from your errors inbox, and lets you focus on the high impact errors that need attention.

You can set one of three statuses, and filter your inbox by status.

  • Unresolved: This is the default status of error groups.
  • Resolved: Setting an error as resolved will hide it from the default inbox view unless filters are updated to include resolved errors. If events matching the error group fingerprint occur after marking an error group as resolved, it will automatically reset the status to Unresolved. This can be useful for identifying regressions.
  • Ignored: Ignored will hide the error group from the inbox view unless filters are updated to include ignored errors, or until you stop ignoring the error group.

Error details

An image showing the details page of an error group

Clicking on a specific error group takes you to the error details page, where you will find full context of the issue. This context can assist in triaging the error and assigning it to the correct team or individual.

Assign errors

You can assign an error group to anyone. Simply select the user from the assign dropdown menu. You may also assign an error to any email address, even if they aren’t a New Relic user.

You can update the filter in errors inbox to show only errors assigned to yourself, or a teammate.


Currently assigning an error group to a user does not send a notification. Notifications of assignment and changes to error groups will be coming soon.

Connect an inbox to Slack

When connected to Slack, new and resurfaced error groups will be sent to a Slack channel within seconds of them occurring. This enables your team to quickly identify any new errors or regressions, and resolve them quickly with direct links to the stack trace. This short video shows how it works (1:24 minutes):

To connect an inbox to Slack:

  1. If your Slack workspace does not have the New Relic app installed, do that first.
  2. From an inbox, select the Inbox Settings icon (looks like a gear) in the top right corner.
  3. Toggle the Slack button to on if it is off.
  4. If no workspaces are available, click the plus button to enable Slack with a one click Slack authentication.
  5. Once authenticated, you will be able to select a Workspace and specific Channel to send notifications to.
  6. Click Test to ensure messages are being sent to the right channel.

Connect errors inbox to CodeStream

To use CodeStream's Open in IDE integration with your APM stack trace errors, use environment variables to configure your APM agent with your application's commit sha and/or your release tag associated with the running version of your software.

Once set up, you can jump from an error group directly to the offending code in your IDE by clicking the Open in IDE button.

Learn more here.

Connect an inbox to Jira

Connect errors inbox to Jira (Cloud) to easily create tickets for your errors, allowing for faster collaboration and resolution. Jira templates allow you to quickly create a ticket containing error details and links directly to the stack trace and APM for quick access and resolution.

We store a link to the the ticket alongside the associated error group for a period of time. If the error occurs again within that period, you can easily access associated tickets.


This integration supports Jira Cloud.


New Relic currently only supports Atlassian-Jira Classic (company-managed) projects.

To connect an inbox to Jira:

  1. Click on the Jira integration icon on the far right side of the error group you want to connect to Jira. An image showing the location the jira integration button in errors inbox.
    Clicking the Jira integration icon allows you to create a ticket based on a template, or create a template if you don't already have one.
  2. If you don’t already have a connection to Jira set up in your account, click Add JIRA Workspace from the dropdown. Fill in all the fields and click Test connection before saving to ensure that your details are correct.
  3. Next, set up a template. Templates determine what information will be sent to Jira. Find more information about specific fields here. Errors inbox does not currently support two-way communication with Jira, but you can select this option in case it is supported in the future.
  4. Once you have a template, click Send test notification to preview what the ticket looks like in Jira. If the preview looks good, click Update message to save the template. Note that a test notification will create a Jira ticket in your Jira workspace.
  5. Now your team can create Jira tickets by clicking the Jira integration icon on the far right side of the error group and selecting a template.

Jira settings are associated with the account that owns the error group or entity. If you are using the cross-account errors inbox, you will need to set up a Jira connection multiple times.

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