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Logs in context of your app and host data

Enabling New Relic's logs in context correlates your log data with data collected from our APM and infrastructure agents. This means that you'll see logs data or links to log data in other UI experiences, such as APM, infrastructure monitoring, distributed tracing, and errors inbox. You can use that log data to dig deeper into the performance of your app or host, without needing to manually search through log data.

To see how logs in context and log patterns can help you find the root cause of an issue, watch this short video (approx. 5 minutes):

See the root cause of issues across your platform

By bringing all of your application and infrastructure data together in a single solution, you can get to the root cause of issues faster. Logs in context help you quickly see meaningful patterns and trends.

Don't spend extra time trying to narrow down all your logs from different parts of your platform. Instead, enable logs in context to see the exact log lines you need to identify and resolve a problem.

Automatic process

Our latest APM agents support automatically adding context and forwarding logs without the need to install or maintain third-party software! Your logs will automatically include attributes such as span.id, trace.id, hostname, entity.guid, entity.name, and more. This metadata links your logs to traces, spans, infrastructure data, and other telemetry, making it easier to troubleshoot. For more information, see our APM logs in context documentation.

Not every language or logging framework is supported yet. The following are our currently supported environments, with links to language-specific documentation:

If your APM agent doesn't support the automatic logs in context solution yet, you can continue to use our manual logs in context solutions, and forward your logs via our infrastructure agent or supported third-party forwarder.

Manual process to enable logs in context

To use our manual solution to set up logs in context for APM and for infrastructure monitoring, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure log forwarding is enabled in New Relic. For our manual installation process, this includes configuring a supported log forwarder that collects your application logs and extends the metadata that is forwarded to New Relic. Recommendation: Use our infrastructure monitoring agent to easily get both your app's logging data and your host's logging data into New Relic.

  2. Update to the supported APM agent version for your app, and enable distributed tracing. For specific instructions, select your agent:

  1. See your logs data in context with your apps and hosts in the New Relic UI.

API and other options

If our logging solutions don't meet your needs, you can use other options to send your log data to New Relic:

What's next?

After you set up logs in context for APM or infrastructuring monitoring, make the most of your logging data in the New Relic UI:

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