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Node.js agent v8.4.0

September 28, 2021Download


  • Deprecation Warning: Cross Application Tracing (CAT) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. For applications that explicitly disable Distributed Tracing (DT) to leverage CAT, we recommend migrating to DT to avoid loss of cross-service visibility.

    • Disables CAT by default. You must explicitly enable CAT along with turning off DT.
    • Adds a deprecation warning when CAT is enabled and active (DT disabled).
  • Fixed issue with clearTimeout that could result in dropping parent segments or spans. This bug resulted in some MongoDB calls being dropped from Transaction Traces and Distributed Traces (spans): https://github.com/newrelic/node-newrelic/issues/922.

  • Removed warnings from agent tests for no-var eslint rule.

  • Added support for Cassandra driver v4.0.0 and above.

  • Fixed issue where DT headers would not be processed by transaction-shim.handleCATHeaders() when CAT was explicitly disabled. This primarily impacts amqplib instrumentation.

  • Transitioned aws-lambda.test.js to use Tap over Mocha.

  • Removed warnings from agent for no-var eslint rule.

  • Refactored transaction-shim, http and http-outbound to use centralized CAT methods in util/cat

  • Replaced http-outbound test call to use example.com to avoid unpredictable connection resets.

  • Migrated sql query parser tests to tap

  • Added more API usage examples.

  • Added a README to the examples/ folder discussing how to use the examples.

  • Fixed message-shim test assertion to avoid flakiness based on precision differences(ms vs ns)

  • Applied new lint rules barring the use of var and preferring the use of const wherever possible.

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