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PHP agent v4.17.0.79

December 19, 2014


The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.

Bug Fixes

  • The agent now uses the route pattern as the transaction name for unnamed, closure-based routes under Laravel. For example, the following route will now be named hello/{name} instead of GET/index.php.

Route::get('hello/{name}', function($name) { return "Hello ${name}!"; });

  • Previously the agent could fail to detect the Laravel framework when artisan optimize was used. This has been fixed.
  • When the agent cannot determine a transaction name for the Laravel framework, the name "unknown" will be used instead of "laravel-routing-error". The latter implied the cause of the failure may have originated within Laravel itself rather than solely within the agent's instrumentation.
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