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Python agent v4.6.0.106

November 12, 2018Download


This release of the Python agent includes changes to the agent to enable monitoring of Lambda functions, improves the built-in Sanic instrumentation, and includes various bug fixes.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Monitoring of Lambda functions

    This release includes changes to the agent to enable monitoring of Lambda functions. If you are interested in learning more or previewing New Relic Lambda monitoring please email lambda_preview@newrelic.com.

  • Improve naming of Sanic HTTPMethodView view handlers

    Sanic views that were defined using the HTTPMethodView class were previously all named HTTPMethodView.as_view.<locals>.view regardless of the actual class in use. The agent will now name transactions after the actual view handler class.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix ignored error reporting in CherryPy instrumention

    When missing query parameters, unexpected query parameters, unexpected positional arguments, or duplicate arguments were present in the CherryPy framework, a TypeError exception was recorded even when an ignored response status code (such as a 404) was generated. An error is no longer recorded when it results in the generation of an ignored status code.

  • Excluding request.uri from transaction trace attributes hides it in the UI

    When request.uri is added to either attributes.exclude or transaction_tracer.attributes.exclude, the value will now no longer be sent to New Relic.

  • Ability to disable sending request.uri as part of error traces

    When request.uri is added to either attributes.exclude or error_collector.attributes.exclude, the value will now no longer be sent to New Relic.

  • Fix tracing of functions returning generators

    When tracing generators whose parent traces have ended an error was seen in the logs "Transaction ended but current_node is not Sentinel." This has now been fixed.

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