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Create baseline alert conditions

You can use baseline conditions to define violation thresholds that adjust to the behavior of your data.

Baseline alerting is useful for creating conditions that:

  • Only notify you when data is behaving abnormally.
  • Dynamically adjust to changing data and trends, including daily or weekly trends.

In addition, baseline alerting works well with new applications when you do not yet have known behaviors.

How it works

When you choose a data source (for example, an APM metric) for a baseline condition, we'll use the past values of that data to dynamically predict the data's near-future behavior.

The line of that predicted future behavior for that value is called a baseline. It appears as a dotted black line on the preview chart in the baseline condition UI.

You'll use the baseline alert condition UI to:

  • Adjust how sensitive the condition is to fluctuations in the data source.
  • Set the behavior that will trigger a violation (for example: "deviating for more than five minutes").
  • Set whether you want the condition to check for upper violations, lower violations, or both.

When your data escapes the predicted "normal" behavior and meets the criteria you've chosen, you'll receive a notification.

Set baseline thresholds

A screenshot of an example baseline condition.

one.newrelic.com > AI & Alerts > Policies > (create or select policy) > Create alert condition: Baseline alert conditions give you the ability to set intelligent, self-adjusting thresholds that only generate violations when abnormal behavior is detected.

To create a baseline condition, go to one.newrelic.com > AI & Alerts > Policies > (create or select policy) > Create alert condition: When you start to create a condition, choose one of the following data sources:

  • NRQL: Create a NRQL condition and then choose baseline
  • APM: Application metric baseline
  • Browser: Metric baseline

Here are some tips for setting baseline thresholds:

  • Set the baseline direction to monitor violations that happen either above or below the baseline.
  • Set the preview chart to either 2 days or 7 days of displayed data. (Not applicable for NRQL alert conditions.)
  • Use the slider bar to adjust the icon-alert-critical.png Critical threshold sensitivity, represented in the preview chart by the light gray area around the baseline. The tighter the band around the baseline, the more sensitive it is and the more violations it will generate.
  • Optional: You can create a icon-alert-warning.png Warning threshold (the darker gray area around the baseline).
  • For NRQL alerts, see the allowed types of NRQL queries.
  • If the alert condition applies to multiple apps, you can select a choice from the dropdown above the chart to use different metrics. (Not applicable for NRQL alert conditions.)

Faceted baseline conditions

A screenshot of an example baseline condition with facets.

NRQL alerts conditions support faceted baselines. In the chart legend, click a time series to scope it to a single facet.

Once you've run a faceted NRQL query for a baseline condition, you can scope your results to a single baseline.

A screenshot of a baseline scope to a single time series facet.

Click Return to full timeseries list to go back to seeing all your facets.

The single time series shows the baseline, threshold band, and one or more violation regions, if there are any.

Baseline rules and settings

Here are some details about how the UI works:

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