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Notification channels: Control where to send alerts

You can use alerts to set up notification channels, and attach those channels to policies. Your selected channels provide fast and consistent ways for the right personnel to be notified about incidents. For example, notifications allow you to include charts about the incident to provide context and share them with your team.

Alerts offers several notification channels, including webhooks, Slack rooms, email, and more. You'll be notified by your notification channels when incidents are opened, acknowledged, or closed. This document explains the available notification channels and how to set them up.

This document is about alerts notifications. For general information about unsubscribing from other New Relic emails, including marketing emails, weekly reports, and announcements, see Unsubscribe from New Relic emails.

View notification channels

To see all notification channels in your account: Go to one.newrelic.com, in the top nav click Alerts & AI, then click Channels.

Add or remove notification channels

To set up a new notification channel:

  1. On the Notification channels, click New notification channel.
  2. Select the type of channel and complete other required steps for it.

To add or remove a notification policy or channel:

  • Select a specific notification channel, select Alert policies, and add or remove a policy.


  • Select a specific policy, select Notification channels, and add or remove a channel.

Instructions for specific notification channels

These are the available notification channel types.

Receive mobile push notifications


In order to receive mobile push notifications, your device must be registered and listed in (account) > User preferences. If the device is not listed in User preferences, log out of the app, log back in, and check again to see if it is listed.

To receive mobile push notifications:

  1. Log in to your New Relic account via the mobile app at least once to ensure the device is registered.
  2. Add the user channel to the alert policy.
  3. Switch push notifications On for the device.

Acknowledge alert notifications

Anyone in your account can acknowledge notifications through the user interface or email notification.

Acknowledging an incident in New Relic also acknowledges any associated incident in PagerDuty.

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