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AJAX page: Identify time-consuming calls

Our browser monitoring's AJAX UI shows recent AJAX requests from browsers to external endpoints, such as HTTP or HTTPS domains. This information helps identify problems with the end user experience when you have time-consuming or failing AJAX calls that update parts of a webpage on your site.

What to troubleshoot

Here are some troubleshooting tips for identifying performance problems with your app:

Troubleshooting AJAX calls


Problems across the entire request

If you're not sure where the problem is, or if you want to trace your requests from start to finish, click the distributed tracing link in the AJAX UI.

Timing problems

Total time percentages, throughput requests per minute (rpm), and average data transfer rates per request can help identify timing problems.

  • Look for large spikes in the AJAX summary page's Average data transfer per request chart.
  • From the individual call's AJAX performance tab, look for correlations between high callback time values and data transfer rates.

Endpoint problems

Look for any outlier endpoints, and investigate individual requests made from them.

The Status codes chart on the AJAX summary page provides information about the return behavior from the call. If you see a large number of status codes outside the 200 range, this may indicate a problem with your AJAX endpoints.

Specific webpage location problems

Examine potential AJAX problems within the context of the page where they load. Select an AJAX transaction, then select any trace from the Session traces with AJAX table.

How to do it

To troubleshoot problems with AJAX requests for your app:

NR One browser monitoring: AJAX summary

one.newrelic.com > Browser > (select an app) > AJAX: Identify problems due to time-consuming or failing AJAX calls that update parts of a webpage on your site.

What's next

In addition to the AJAX UI, you can also use these resources:

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