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Intro to New Relic CodeStream

New Relic CodeStream is a developer collaboration platform that enables your development team to discuss and review code in a natural and contextual way. CodeStream not only makes your discussions easier, by allowing them to happen in context in your IDE, but it also preserves the institutional knowledge that is currently being lost in Slack channels and emails.

Not only that, our observability solutions take you from finding errors to fixing them, all within your IDE.

A quick overview of how you can use New Relic CodeStream to discover, troubleshoot, and triage errors in your IDE. (2:27)

If you haven't already, sign up for a free New Relic account so that you can get the most out of New Relic CodeStream.

Preview release

CodeStream's integration with New Relic One is a preview release limited to New Relic One accounts on our US data center, and your use is subject to the pre-release policy. (This does not apply to all other CodeStream functionality.)

Discuss code just like commenting on a Google Doc

Simply select a block of code and type your question or comment. Teammates can participate in the discussion right from their IDE and you can optionally share the discussion on Slack or Microsoft Teams so teammates can participate from their chat clients as well.

An animated image showing how to use codemarks to leave a comment on a selection of code.

Select some code and then click the add comment button.

CodeStream turns conversation into documentation by capturing all of the discussion about your code and saving it with your code. And the real magic is that the discussions are automatically repositioned as your code changes, even across branches. All with zero effort on your part.

Get feedback on work-in-progress with pre-PR code review

CodeStream's lightweight feedback requests let you have someone look over your changes regardless of the current state of your repo, without the friction of committing, pushing, or issuing a pull request.

An animated image showing how to use feedback requests.

Once you've made some changes to a file, in the Feedback requests section, click the + button to request feedback on that change.

Your teammates can review your changes right in their IDE, with full file context, and with no need to set aside their current work to switch branches or pull the latest.

An animated image showing how to leave feedback on a change.

Use code comments to respond to a feedback request on a change.

CodeStream’s feedback requests are so easy that you can start doing them throughout the development process instead of waiting until the end. You’re a few days into a sprint and have some work stubbed out? Maybe some work that hasn’t even been committed? Request feedback on your work in progress so that you can identify and resolve issues early instead of saving those gotchas for when you need to get the code merged.

Create and review pull requests

For most development teams, the final step in the development process is a pull request. Even if your team has decided to use CodeStream's feedback requests as a replacement for, and not just a precursor to, your end-of-cycle PR-based code reviews, you can create and review pull requests right inside your IDE.

An animated image showing how to review a pull request

CodeStream shows a diff view of all the files changed in a PR. Review and approve the PR as you would on GitHub.

Monitor your code’s performance in production

Your pursuit of software quality doesn’t end once the code has been merged. Connect CodeStream to your New Relic One account and you can either jump from an error on New Relic One into your IDE or you can discover errors in CodeStream's Observability section. Navigate the stack trace to find the offending code and collaborate with your teammates to resolve the issue.

An animated image showing how to see and respond to errors in your code.

Once you've connected New Relic CodeStream to your repositories and are observing your code's performance, use the observability section to find errors and collaborate with your team on solving them.

See your errors and what's causing them

After you connect CodeStream and New Relic, use workloads and errors inbox to jump to the offending code in your IDE.

A screenshot of an errors inbox error with a button to see the error in the IDE.

Once you've connected CodeStream to your repositories and configured it to connect with New Relic One, you can use errors inbox to find and an error and then jump to that error in your IDE and the branch of your repository that's generating the error.

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