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Estimate your data ingest cost

For New Relic organizations on the New Relic One pricing model, several factors impact your costs: which edition you're on (Standard, Pro, or Enterprise), how many billable users you have, and how much data you ingest. This resource will help you estimate your New Relic data ingest costs.

Best option: extrapolate usage from a test New Relic account

Before getting started, note that you can sign up and use New Relic for free, without ever putting in a credit card. We give you full visibility on your data ingest, so it's easy for you to figure out where data is coming from and adjust your data ingest as you go.

Data ingest rates can vary from one New Relic organization to the next, based on what kinds of things are monitored, what features are used, the monitored applications' behaviors, and more. Given that variability, the best option is to set up a test New Relic account and then extrapolate your usage from that. If you can't or don't want to set up a test account, use the cost estimator spreadsheet.

Here are some tips for extrapolating usage from a New Relic account:

  • If you’re just signing up to New Relic, consider creating a test installation with an environment similar to what you’ll need moving forward. Then use the baseline ingest from the trial to extrapolate what your full environment would require. To do this, create a new free account, and use our instant observability options to get started reporting data. Note that APM, infrastructure monitoring, and logs tend to produce the bulk of most customer's data, but that can vary.
  • If you’re an existing customer, use consumption info from the data management hub or by querying your data ingest to estimate new or added ingest.

Use the cost estimator spreadsheet

If you don't wish to create a test New Relic account, you can use our cost estimator spreadsheet. To get started, make a copy of this Google spreadsheet. The instructions below will give you instructions on how to fill out the spreadsheet, which will auto-populate an estimated cost. Note that the spreadsheet provides you only an estimate: it is not a binding billing proposal.

Cost estimator spreadsheet

To arrive at the ingest rates used in the estimator, we analyzed about 10,000 existing New Relic organizations of various sizes to arrive at the ingest rates used in our calculations. Note that you get 100 GBs of data ingest per month for free.

The following sections explain how to use the various parts of the spreadsheet.

View the calculated estimate

When you complete the extended retention section, the total estimated price is displayed in the Calculations section of the spreadsheet.

Other potential data ingest costs

Because this billing calculation was designed for newer customers, it uses the implementations and costs that our newer customers often have. For example, we haven’t provided cost estimates for browser monitoring, mobile monitoring, network performance monitoring, or other services. (Maybe worth noting: neither our basic alerting features nor our synthetic monitors contribute to data ingest.) For many organizations, these other costs will often represent only 5% or so of the costs examined and calculated in the spreadsheet. But be aware that high levels of data ingest by other tools can make that higher.

Other billing factors

Data ingest is one billing factor for New Relic One pricing. To learn about others, see New Relic One pricing.

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