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Manage your dashboard

Access any of your New Relic One dashboards to create or manage your charts directly from the chart menu, customize your dashboard's layout, adjust display modes, or export your data.

Once you have customized your dashboard and built your charts, use our advanced visualization features and tools for data exploration to correlate and analyze your data.

Customize your dashboard

Dashboards are highly flexible: Tailor your dashboard layout and arrange chart sizes to optimize how you see your data.

Dashboards configuration menu

Click the icon to access the See metadata and manage tags modal. There you can see the dashboard's GUID, account ID, and App ID, and manage all the tags that have been added to the dashboard.

Dashboards features include:

You can use the search feature at any time to search data across New Relic One.

Add new content to your dashboard

Here's a few ways to add new content to your dashboard:

If you experience issues adding new content, check our error messages.

Add custom content using the Markdown editor

The Markdown editor contains a Markdown pane, where you enter your content, and a Preview pane, where you can view it. For more information about Markdown syntax options, see the GitHub's Markdown guide.

You can also edit existing content by clicking the ellipses icon on any Markdown widget and selecting Edit.

Organize your dashboards with pages

You can use multiple pages to organize your dashboard data in different views. When you add more pages to that dashboard, you can access these pages using the tabs at the top of the dashboard UI.


one.newrelic.com > Dashboards: This is an example of a dashboard in New Relic One with multiple pages, represented by the tabs at the top of the dashboard. You can add pages to dashboards, copy existing pages, and drag and drop the page tabs to new positions.

You can use this feature to group together related dashboard views. This is valuable when you're aggregating a lot of data and charts related to a specific project, team, or subject.

For example, a mobile app team might build a dashboard focused on app performance by country. The first dashboard page might be an overview of performance across all countries, with other pages focused on specific countries.

There's other features to connect dashboards:

  • Create widgets containing Markdown text to add direct links to specific UI pages or dashboards.
  • Use facet filtering to create links that automatically link to and filter other dashboards.
  • Use the dashboard search to find similarly named dashboards. To take advantage of this, you can add team- or project-specific words/phrases to dashboard names.

Add and edit pages to a dashboard

To add or edit a page in a dashboard:

  1. From a new or existing dashboard, enter edit mode by selecting the icon.
  2. Add a new page:
    • Select Add a page to add a blank page.
    • Clone an existing page by clicking the dropdown next to a dashboard name, and selecting Duplicate.
  3. While in edit mode, you can add widgets to the new page, drag and drop page tabs to new locations, and do other dashboard editing tasks.
  4. When finished, select Done editing.

Manage your charts and Markdown content

From any Markdown element, access the menu on the upper right corner to edit or delete it. From any chart, access the chart action menu on the upper right corner to:

  • Expand your chart to full screen.
  • Share your chart as an image or with a link.
  • Copy the chart to any dashboard.
  • For table charts only, export as a .csv file. You can import this file into other apps like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to do further analysis.
  • Create an alert condition.
  • Open the NRQL console to see or edit the query associated to the chart.
  • Duplicate the chart.
  • Delete the chart.


You cannot edit the query of a chart if you have Read only permissions to the dashboard.

Learn more about how to use your charts.

You can narrow down the information on display using the filtering function, which is a visual representation of query conditions:

  • Use the filter bar to select the values or attributes you want to see, and remove the rest of the elements from the charts.
  • Open the advanced filter bar to access the boolean operators (such as =, !=, CONTAINS, EXCLUDES, etc.) and add compound and complex conditions for filtering data.

After applying the filter, your dashboard will only show the data associated to the elements you selected. A small counter indicates how many filters are being applied at a time.

To return to the default view, click on the small cross by the filter to remove it.

Filter using the chart legend

Click on a legend in any chart with legends to see that series only, and remove the rest of series from the chart. This helps you isolate the data you want to analyze.

To do the opposite, use CMD (in a Mac) or CTRL (in Windows): This will remove the selected series, and keep the rest.

Filter dashboards using facets

If a chart's NRQL query contains a FACET clause, you can use the faceted attributes to filter the current dashboard or another related dashboard. For more details, see Filter by facets.

Use the time picker to adjust time settings

By default, each chart in the dashboard will show data for the time period specified when they were created in the query builder. However, you can use the time picker to change the time range of the data on display and set the same range for all charts. This is particularly useful while troubleshooting incidents, if you need to narrow down your data to observe what happened in a specific time period.

The refresh rate depends on the duration of the time window you are viewing. For more information and examples, see Chart refresh intervals.

To change the time range:

  • Select one of the available options from the dropdown menu (ranging from Last 30 minutes to Last 7 days).
  • Customize the time range with specific start and end timestamps using the custom menu.

Export and share your data

It's very easy to export dashboard and chart data and share it within your company and beyond:

  • Export any dashboard as a PDF file clicking the Export dashboard as PDF button located in the upper right menu bar.
  • Share your charts either as a PNG image or as a link: Go to the chart menu and select either the Get as image or Get chart link options.

Exporting to PDF or as an image has certain limitations depending on the chart type.

Recover deleted dashboard

If you accidentally deleted your dashboard, you can quickly restore it with NerdGraph. To learn how, read the Explorers Hub post, or watch this short video (2:13 minutes).

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