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Python agent v2.78.0.57

January 4, 2017Download


This release of the Python agent adds support for reporting datastore instance information for the elasticsearch library.

Over the past few releases, support has been added to the agent for collecting datastore instance information for a number of drivers. See a complete list of supported packages.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

New Feature

  • Datastore instance information for elasticsearch

    For operations made using the official Elasticsearch client, the Python agent will collect the host and port of the elasticsearch server. This data will be displayed in transaction traces and in slow query traces in APM.

Bug Fix

  • Cornice 2.3.0 TypeError

    When using the latest version of Cornice,the Python agent would raise a TypeError exception due to not handling the changed signature of cornice.Service.decorate_view(). Earlier versions of Cornice were not affected, and with this release, the Python agent no longer raises an error for version 2.3.0.

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