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Fluent Bit plugin for log forwarding

If your log data is already being monitored by Fluent Bit, you can use our Fluent Bit output plugin to forward and enrich your log data in New Relic.

Forwarding your Fluent Bit logs to New Relic will give you enhanced log management capabilities to collect, process, explore, query, and alert on your log data.

Basic process

We have published a container with the plugin installed. It serves as a base image to be used by our Kubernetes integration. We recommend you use this base image and layer your own custom configuration files.

To forward your logs from Fluent Bit to New Relic:

  1. Make sure you have:
    • A New Relic license key
    • Fluent Bit 1.0 or higher (recommended), although v0.12 or higher is supported
    • Fluent Bit Windows install directions can be found here
    • Fluent Bit Linux install directions can be found here
  2. Install the Fluent Bit plugin.
  3. Configure the Fluent Bit plugin.
  4. Test the Fluent Bit plugin.
  5. Generate some traffic and wait a few minutes, then check your account for data.

Install the Fluent Bit plugin

To install the Fluent Bit plugin:

  1. Navigate to New Relic's Fluent Bit plugin repository on GitHub.
  2. From the repository page, clone or download the repository.
  3. Run the following command to build your plugin:
cd newrelic-fluent-bit-output && make all
  1. Store out_newrelic.so or out_newrelic_winXX.dll at a location that can be accessed by the fluent-bit daemon.


If you'd rather not compile the plugin yourself, you can download pre-compiled versions from our GitHub repository's releases page.

Configure the Fluent Bit plugin

Fluent Bit needs to know the location of the New Relic plugin and the New Relic license key to output data to New Relic. To configure your Fluent Bit plugin:


Pay attention to white space when editing your config files. Be sure to use four spaces to indent and one space between keys and values.

  1. Locate or create a plugins.conf file in your plugins directory.

  2. In the plugins.conf file, add a reference to out_newrelic.so, adjacent to your fluent-bit.conf file:

        Path /PATH/TO/newrelic-fluent-bit-output/out_newrelic.so
  3. In the fluent-bit.conf file, add the following line under the service block:

    # This is the main configuration block for fluent bit.
    # Ensure the follow line exists somewhere in the SERVICE block
    Plugins_File plugins.conf
  4. At the bottom of the fluent-bit.conf file, add the following to set up the input and output filters. Replace the placeholder text with your New Relic license key:

        Name tail
        Name newrelic
        Match *
        licenseKey YOUR_LICENSE_KEY
    # Optional
    maxBufferSize 256000
    maxRecords 1024
  5. Restart your Fluent Bit instance with the following command:

    fluent-bit -c /PATH/TO/fluent-bit.conf

Test the Fluent Bit plugin

To test if your Fluent Bit plugin is receiving input from a log file:

  1. Run the following command to append a test log message to your log file:

    echo "test message" >> /PATH/TO/YOUR/LOG/FILE
  2. Search the New Relic Logs UI for test message.

Associate logs with entities

To associate a log line with an entity, such as an infrastructure host, add a FILTER block:

Name modify
Match * # Or specify a match
Add entity.guids <Your Entity GUID ID> # Optional
Add hostname <Your hostname> # Optional

For more options, see the Fluent Bit modify filter documentation and our documentation to forward your logs using the infrastructure agent.

Optional: Configure plugin attributes

Once you have installed and configured the Fluent Bit plugin, you can use the following attributes to configure how the plugin sends data to New Relic:




The New Relic license key. Use either licenseKey (recommended) or apiKey, not both. Default: none


The maximum size the payloads sent, in bytes. Default: 256000


The maximum number of records to send at a time. Default: 1024


Deprecated. Takes a New Relic Insights insert key, but using the licenseKey attribute is preferred. Use either licenseKey or apiKey, not both.

View log data

If everything is configured correctly and your data is being collected, you should see data logs in both of these places:


If no data appears after you enable our log management capabilities, follow our standard log troubleshooting procedures.

What's next?

Explore logging data across your platform with the New Relic One UI.

Disable log forwarding

To disable log forwarding capabilities, follow standard procedures in Fluent Bit documentation. You do not need to do anything else in New Relic.

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