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Infrastructure agent v1.16.0

March 24, 2021


Updating RPM packages to this version will disable newrelic-infra-service. More details in #357


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months.


  • newrelic/infrastructure agent docker image is now published as multi-arch (amd64 and arm64).


  • nri-docker built-in integration updated to v1.4.3
  • Log forwarder feature has updated Fluent Bit to version v1.7.2 available here and Fluent Bit Output Plugin for New Relic to v1.4.6. For more information about Logging feature, see our docs.
  • nri-flex built-in integration updated to v1.4.0.


  • CentOS 5 & RHEL 5 newrelic-infra packages are no longer published due to manufacturer end of life. Please check the system requirements documentation for an updated list of supported OS and platforms.
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