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Infrastructure agent v1.18.1

June 11, 2021


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent.
New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months.


  • Added the following new host memory metrics (see documentation):
    • memoryCachedBytes
    • memorySharedBytes
    • memorySlabBytes
  • Agent self instrumentation #477
    • This is a base implementation of a prometheus endpoint to gather some metrics about agent runtime and a few product metrics.
    • In order to work, agent opens a port with prom data and starts nri-prometheus integration to scrap prom endpoint and send data to the backend.
  • Status API #475. See docs


  • Upgraded nri-prometheus to v2.7.0 #517
  • Updates Winlog.yml Sample #336
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