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Java agent release notesRSS

April 4, 2022
Java agent v7.6.0

APM logs in context: a quick way to view logs no matter where you are in the platformAdds support for logging metrics which shows the rate of log message by severity in the Logs chart in the APM view

March 3, 2022
Java agent v6.5.4

Changed log4j version to 2.12.4 to mitigate the security vulnerability CVE-2021-44832. 766

January 12, 2022
Java agent v7.5.0

Update to jfr-daemon 1.7.0 - fixes a memory leak condition by cleaning up copies of JFR recordings. Also updated to use version 0.13.1 of the telemetry-sdk 638. Update HTTP response code attribute nam

December 21, 2021
Java agent v6.5.3

Changed log4j version to 2.12.3 to mitigate the security vulnerability CVE-2021-45105. 605

December 20, 2021
Java agent v7.4.3

Upgraded log4j to 2.17.0 to mitigate the security vulnerability CVE-2021-45105. 605

December 15, 2021
Java agent v6.5.2

Changed log4j version to 2.12.2 to mitigate the security vulnerability CVE-2021-45046. 605

December 14, 2021
Java agent v7.4.2

Upgraded log4j to 2.16.0 to mitigate the security vulnerability CVE-2021-45046. 605

December 10, 2021
Java agent v7.4.1

Upgraded log4j to 2.15.0 to mitigate the security vulnerability CVE-2021-44228. 605

Java agent v6.5.1

Upgraded log4j to 2.15.0 to mitigate the security vulnerability CVE-2021-44228. 605

October 28, 2021
Java agent v7.4.0

Support for Java 17 #433. Distributed tracing is on by default and deprecates cross-application tracing #486Increases the default maximum number of samples stored for span events from 1000 to 2000. Th

September 30, 2021
Java agent v7.3.0

Support for Java 16. Auto-instrumentation support for java.net.http.HttpClient. Migrate the Agent’s caching library from Guava to Caffeine (Special thanks to community member Stephan Schroevers for th

September 9, 2021
Java agent v7.2.0

Scala Library Instrumentation #362 and #363STTP versions 2 & 3 Akka-HTTP, HTTP4s and STTP core backends. Cats-effect v2. ZIO v1. HTTP4s client & server v0.21. Play 2.3-2.8. Akka-HTTP v10.1 & v10.2. F

July 15, 2021
Java agent v7.1.1

Real-time profiling for Java using JFR metrics

July 7, 2021
Java agent v7.1.0

Some customers saw increased overhead when Real-time profiling is enabled.

June 15, 2021
Java agent v7.0.1

Fixes an issue where the agent would break OkHttp versions 3.X and lower. (#324)

June 9, 2021
Java agent v7.0.0

Real-time profiling for Java using JFR metrics is now fully integrated into the Java agent. See the JFR core README for additional details

April 26, 2021
Java agent v6.5.0

The agent no longer bundles SSL certificates with it and the use_private_ssl option that configured the agent to use the previously bundled certificates has been removed. By default, the agent will us

March 2, 2021
Java agent v6.4.2

Fixes an issue that could cause some instrumentation modules (e.g. jax-rs-1.0) to have a WeaveViolation and not apply properly.

February 2, 2021
Java agent v6.4.1

Fixes an issue in 6.4.0 where spans would not get sent to Infinite Tracing.

January 27, 2021
Java agent v6.4.0

There is an issue with this agent release that could lead to spans not being sent to Infinite Tracing. Please use 6.4.1 instead

December 17, 2020
Java agent v6.3.0

Spring WebfluxThe Java agent now supports Spring Webflux versions 5.3+. Added reactor-netty.errors.enabled configuration to allow disabling error reporting in Subscriber::onError. Scala 2.13The Java a

November 17, 2020
Java agent v6.2.1

Fixes an issue where Spring-Webflux applications with endpoints returning Flux or empty content could become unresponsive

November 10, 2020
Java agent v6.2.0

Adds support for Akka Http Core 10.2.0. Thank you jobicarter for reporting this issue. Adds support for gRPC 1.30.0. Thank you jef for submitting this request and trying it out. Adds support for map a

September 30, 2020
August 26, 2020
Java agent v6.0.0

Register an MBean to expose the agent linking metadata. Support for okhttp 4.4 instrumentation. Improve reconnect behavior by pinning to preconnected collector host instance

July 27, 2020
Java agent v5.14.0

Agent Extensions The Java agent now provides a configuration to disable reloading extensions during runtime. extensions: reload_modified: false. Spring Webflux The Java agent now provides updated inst

June 16, 2020
Java agent v5.13.0

Distributed tracing: With distributed tracing spans and/or Infinite Tracing, the Java agent will now incorporate additional information from the transaction event on to the root span event of the tran

May 15, 2020
Java agent v5.12.1

This is a patch release that resolves an issue in 5.12.0. With distributed tracing enabled and Infinite Tracing disabled, a defect in version 5.12.0 causes spans to be omitted from distributed traces.

May 5, 2020
Java agent v5.12.0

Added support for Infinite Tracing on New Relic Edge.

March 18, 2020
Java agent v5.11.0

Java 14The New Relic Java agent is now fully compatible with version 14 of the OpenJDK and Hotspot JDKs. Java Flight RecorderA new Java Flight Recorder agent extension is now available to report real-

January 29, 2020
Java agent v5.10.0

Support for W3C Trace Context, with easy upgrade from New Relic trace contextDistributed tracing now supports W3C Trace Context headers for HTTP and gRPC protocols when distributed tracing is enabled.

December 10, 2019
Java agent v5.9.0

AWS SDKAWS S3 - The Java agent now reports calls to Amazon S3 using AmazonS3 and S3Client as external metrics. AWS SQS - The Java agent now reports calls to Amazon SQS using AmazonSQS, AmazonSQSAsync,

October 29, 2019
Java agent v5.8.0

gRPCgRPC error reporting is now configurable. Response codes, component type, and method type are now recorded as attributes. The agent now reports the gRPC status code rather than "translating" to HT

September 25, 2019
Java agent v5.7.0

Java 13The New Relic Java agent is now fully compatible with version 13 of the OpenJDK and Hotspot JDKs

September 17, 2019
Java agent v5.6.0

Added getTraceMetadata(). This provides information about the currently executing trace, including the trace and span ids as well as it’s sampled state. getTraceId(), which provides the currently exec

September 4, 2019
Java agent v5.5.0

Event data is now sent to New Relic every five seconds, instead of every minute. As a result, transaction, error, and custom events will now be available in New Relic dashboards in near real time. For

August 27, 2019
Java agent v5.4.0

x-ray and any x-ray related attributes and identifiers will no longer be available in this version of the java agent. The New Relic x-ray feature reached end-of-life on April 17, 2019

July 24, 2019
Java agent v5.3.0

gRPCThe Java agent now has support for gRPC version 1.22. Dragonwell JDKThe Java agent now fully supports Alibaba's Dragonwell JDK. Azul ZingThe Java agent now supports Azul's Zing JVM. Enables abilit

June 26, 2019
Java agent v5.2.0

MongoDBThis release adds instrumentation for mongo-java-driver clients created using the MongoClients class Previous versions of the agent only supported the MongoClient() constructor Note: The MongoD

June 13, 2019
May 29, 2019
Java agent v5.1.0

JAX-RSThis release adds support for @PATCH JAX-RS annotation. The agent will create and name transactions based @PATCH annotations

April 24, 2019
Java agent v5.0.0

The Java agent now supports gRPC. You will now see transactions, errors, external calls, and distributed traces for all of your gRPC-based clients and services.

March 27, 2019
Java agent v4.12.1

Fixed an issue where an exception would be thrown during agent initialization which caused the application to shut down when the log file is not writable. In previous agent versions there was an undoc

March 20, 2019
Java agent v4.12.0

Kafka-clientsThe Java agent now supports the kafka-clients library. The agent will automatically report up Kafka metrics to New Relic.Optional support is provided for reporting Kafka metrics as Insigh

February 12, 2019
Java agent v4.11.0

Vert.x 3.6The Java agent now provides visibility into your applications built using the Vert.x 3.6. The agent instruments Vert.x Web, Vert.x Core, and Vert.x HTTP client. With this instrumentation, th

January 23, 2019
Java agent v4.10.0

This release adds Transaction event attributes that provide context between your Kubernetes cluster and services. For details on the benefits (public beta coming soon) see this blog post. The Java age

December 18, 2018
Java agent v4.9.0

The 'request.uri' attribute is now included in Transaction events and corresponding Transaction Error events. As a result this attribute can now be queried in New Relic. It may be excluded via the exc

November 13, 2018
Java agent v4.8.0

Fixed an issue where the agent would break webpage rendering by inserting New Relic Browser monitoring javascript into the <header> tag of pages which were missing <head> tags. Certain frameworks, lik

October 3, 2018
September 24, 2018
Java agent v4.6.0

Spring 5The Java Agent now provides instrumentation for Spring 5 and Webflux. The agent will name transactions based on router functions as well as Spring controller and spring web annotations. The ag

September 4, 2018
Java agent v4.5.0

Apache HttpAsyncClientThe Java agent now provides instrumentation for Apache HttpAsyncClient 4.1+. You will see your HttpAsyncClient calls as externals in New Relic. AsyncHttpClientThe Java agent now

August 8, 2018
July 31, 2018
Java agent v4.3.0

Distributed tracing

June 12, 2018
Java agent v4.2.0

Fixed a bug where transactions were being kept alive for too long when application is under heavy GC, causing inaccurate throughput to be reported. Fixed a bug in which Akka routing instrumentation co

May 2, 2018
Java agent v4.1.0

Configuration for custom_insights_events.max_samples_stored format in YAML has been changed. For agents 4.1.0 and above, the old .yml config setting will be ignored, which will result in the agent def

April 19, 2018
Java agent v4.0.1

Fixes an issue Introduced in 3.48.0 with event sampling. The agent would only report the first max_samples_stored events in a given minute reporting period and disregard the remainder for that minute.

April 4, 2018
Java agent v4.0.0

Removed the SSL configuration option: SSL is now always used in communication with New Relic servers. The newrelic.yml ssl configuration and -Dnewrelic.config.ssl system property are no longer used. S

March 12, 2018
Java agent v3.48.0

Customers using Tomcat, WebSphere Liberty, or Resin now have data source information available. Data source information includes the number of active and idle connections, as well as the maximum possi

March 7, 2018
Java agent v3.47.1

A security update corrects an issue where the agent may report DB query results to New Relic or re-issue an SQL statement. For information on the bug fix, see the security bulletin

February 5, 2018
Java agent v3.47.0

Jersey ClientThe agent now provides instrumentation for Jersey Client versions 1.x and 2.x. You will see your calls using the Jersey Client APIs as Externals in New Relic, whether you are using the sy

January 8, 2018
December 11, 2017
November 7, 2017
Java agent v3.44.1

If you are using Akka Http 10.x, use this 3.44.1 release rather than 3.44.0.

November 6, 2017
Java agent v3.44.0

This release contains a bug that could cause an Akka HTTP 10 app to fail at runtime with a NullPointerException.

September 27, 2017
Java agent v3.43.0

Java 9The Java agent can now be run with Oracle Java SE 9! You can run your applications on the Java 9 runtime JVM, and run applications compiled at the Java 9 language level.By default, this release

August 28, 2017
Java agent v3.42.0

HystrixWith this release, the Java agent now supports Hystrix version 1.5. Improved metadata collection for cloud providersThe agent now collects additional metadata when running in AWS, GCP, Azure, a

July 25, 2017
Java agent v3.41.0

Vert.xThe Java agent now provides visibility into your applications built using the Vert.x toolkit (supported versions 3.3.0 through 3.4.2). The agent instruments Vert.x Web, Vert.x Core, and Vert.x H

June 26, 2017
Java agent v3.40.0

DynamoDB The Java agent now provides visibility into your applications’ usage of DynamoDB when using the client versions 1.11.106 and greater. You will see the calls in the application breakdown, in t

May 30, 2017
Java agent v3.39.1

Fixed an issue in which the agent could in rare cases send a raw SQL query as a transaction attribute when an error was thrown

May 23, 2017
Java agent v3.39.0

Fixed an issue in which setting "agent_enabled" to false in newrelic.yml caused an IncompatibleClassChangeError in the application on startup. The agent can now be disabled without side-effect. Fixed

April 24, 2017
Java agent v3.38.0

Expected Errors This release provides you with several flexible error configuration options to control how your errors are reported. With this addition, you can now configure certain exceptions that y

March 29, 2017
Java agent v3.37.0

Async APIsThis release adds new APIs for instrumenting asynchronous work. If your transactions have asynchronous work (such as database queries or external calls) that is not automatically monitored b

February 15, 2017
Java agent v3.36.0

APIsThis release adds a number of APIs that will allow you to instrument and get expanded visibility into frameworks, libraries, and any custom code that New Relic does not automatically instrument. I

January 17, 2017
Java agent v3.35.2

If you are using Spring AOP, Jersey, or any JAX-RS framework, use this 3.35.2 release rather than 3.35.0 or 3.35.1.

January 12, 2017
Java agent v3.35.1

This release contains a bug that could cause the app to fail with a VerifyError. Please use version 3.34.0 instead.

January 11, 2017
Java agent v3.35.0

Several customers have reported an issue with this release in which the app fails with a ClassFormatError. For this reason, this release is recommended and has been removed from New Relic's download

December 14, 2016
Java agent v3.34.0

SolrThe agent now reports database instance information for Solr. With the additional database instance information, transaction traces and slow query traces will provide the database server and datab

November 2, 2016
Java agent v3.33.0

Database instance reportingThe agent now reports database instance information for most supported databases. With the additional database instance information, transaction traces and slow query traces

September 19, 2016
Java agent v3.32.0

WebLogicThis release adds official support for WebLogic versions 12.2.x. Performance ImprovementsImprovements in Java agent startup time, particularly on modular ClassLoader architectures (such as JBo

August 10, 2016
Java agent v3.31.1

Fixed a bug that caused a StackOverflow exception for drivers that execute a query on Connection.getMetaData()

August 3, 2016
Java agent v3.31.0

Mule ESB 3.6-3.8 including the new HTTP ConnectorThis release adds instrumentation for Mulesoft Mule ESB Server versions 3.6-3.8, including the new HTTP Connector made available in Mule 3.6. This rele

July 20, 2016
Java agent v3.30.1

Fixed a security issue that could send external HTTP request parameters to New Relic via transaction traces for applications that do all of the following:

June 28, 2016
Java agent v3.30.0

Mule ESB 3.4 - 3.6This release adds instrumentation for Mulesoft Mule ESB Server versions 3.4 through 3.6. Requests to an HTTP Transport will show in New Relic as web transactions. Mule ESB Server ins

May 24, 2016
Java agent v3.29.0

JDBC instrumentationJDBC ResultSet instrumentation performance has been improved. Instrumentation has been added for:. i-Net Merlia 7.0.3 database driver. Generic JDBC drivers. CassandraThis release a

April 20, 2016
Java agent v3.28.0

CassandraThis release adds slow query tracking to Cassandra queries made via the Datastax driver. You’ll now see slow CQL queries on the Databases page and within Transaction Traces. You must add the

March 30, 2016
Java agent v3.27.0

SpymemcachedThe Java agent now provides visibility into your applications’ usage of Memcached when using the Spymemcached client versions 2.11 to 2.12. You will see the calls in the application breakd

February 25, 2016
Java agent v3.26.1

PostgreSQLThis release adds improved support for PostgreSQL 8.0+ with jdbc3+. All of these versions now include support for explain plans

February 23, 2016
Java agent v3.26.0

Spray ClientThe agent now identifies external calls when Spray Client is used. You will see your Spray Client calls with the hostname and port of the destination. The calls also have support for Cross

January 18, 2016
Java agent v3.25.0

Performance improvementsThe Java agent now starts up to 50% faster. Your applications will be available that much sooner

December 21, 2015
Java agent v3.24.1

Fixed an issue that caused Play 2.x requests to produce empty responses when the circuit breaker is tripped

December 15, 2015
Java agent v3.24.0

MongoDBThe Java agent now reports synchronous calls to the Mongo Java Driver 2.12 through 3.1. You will see the Mongo operations in breakdowns in the Applications Overview chart, entries in the Databa

December 1, 2015
Java agent v3.23.0

Hystrix instrumentationThis release contains support for versions 1.0.2 through 1.4 of the Hystrix framework. You will now see timing information related to each Hystrix Command's run and getFallback

November 16, 2015
Java agent v3.22.1

Fixed an issue that caused Ning's AsyncHttpClient WebSockets requests to fail, or the application not to start. Fixed an issue that could cause an extra transaction to be created, a background transac

November 6, 2015
Java agent v3.22.0

Play Framework 2.4 Instrumentation, and Play Framework 2 ImprovementsPrevious Java Agent releases supported the Play Framework up to version 2.3. This release includes instrumentation for Play 2.4.x.

October 1, 2015
Java agent v3.21.0

Advanced Analytics for APM ErrorsWith this release, the agent reports TransactionError events. These new events power the beta feature Advanced Analytics for APM Errors (apply Link opens in a new wind

September 1, 2015
Java agent v3.20.0

JCacheThe Java Agent now instruments the JCache API. The instrumentation times cache operations of implementations of the JCache API.To get additional information about your operations in the Database

August 13, 2015
Java agent v3.19.2

Fixed an issue that could cause NoClassDefFoundErrors when using JDBC ResultSet instrumentation on JBoss

August 7, 2015
Java agent v3.19.1

In some cases JBoss 4.x could fail to start due to a NullPointerException. In some cases Dropwizard appservers could fail to start due to a ClassCastException during log initialization

July 29, 2015
Java agent v3.19.0

RedisThe agent’s Redis instrumentation is now more efficient

July 1, 2015
Java agent v3.18.0

JettyUpdated Jetty instrumentation to support Jetty 9.3. ThriftAdded support for Apache Thrift 0.8 and greater. This instrumentation automatically adds timing to Thrift calls and sets transaction name

June 30, 2015
Java agent v3.17.1

Fixed a bug in 3.17.0, that in rare cases could cause an application thread to die. In this case, the agent log has many messages, “ERROR: Inconsistent state!”

June 11, 2015
Java agent v3.17.0

Websphere Liberty ProfileThe Java agent now provides instrumentation for WebSphere Liberty Profile. This includes web transaction visibility, Cross Application Tracing, and app server stats. Performan

May 14, 2015
Java agent v3.16.1

RedisAdded support for the Jedis client versions 1.4.0 or higher. You can now see your Redis calls in breakdowns in the overview chart, entries in the Databases tab, and segments in transaction traces

March 31, 2015
Java agent v3.15.0

Labels and Rollups

February 25, 2015
Java agent v3.14.0

Synthetics transaction tracingNew Relic Synthetics monitors your site from around the world. When you use Synthetics to monitor your Java application, up to 20 detailed transaction traces will now be

January 20, 2015
Java agent v3.13.0

Custom Insights events APIIn addition to attaching custom attributes to the events that the Java agent generates automatically for each transaction, you can now record custom event types into Insights

January 8, 2015
Java agent v2.21.7

Fixed an issue that in rare cases could cause the agent to cease reporting data until JVM restart

December 22, 2014
Java agent v3.12.1

Play 2 async activity is no longer tracked when transaction is ignored. Reduced GC overhead when monitoring Play 2 applications. Reduced memory usage when inspecting slowest SQL statements

November 6, 2014
Java agent v3.12.0

Various bug fixes

September 30, 2014
Java agent v3.11.0

Spring Web ServicesThe Java Agent now supports Spring Web Services. Transactions are named based on the SOAP method name. The agent also reports the SOAP version, content type, and SOAP Action. Suppor

August 26, 2014
Java agent v3.10.0

Full support for Java SE 8The New Relic Java agent now supports Java SE 8! Applications can now run on a Java 8 JVM, including those compiled to target Java 8 (i.e. -target 1.8). The system property n

July 31, 2014
Java agent v3.9.0

Support for new Cross Application Trace mapThis release enhances cross application tracing with the new trace map visualization of your app's cross application calls. The new visualization helps you s

July 28, 2014
Java agent v3.8.2

Fixed: Instrumentation missing including browser monitoringThere was a bug in the agent that caused several instrumentation modules to not be loaded. This bug occurred when no extensions directory exi

July 10, 2014
Java agent v3.8.1

Fix: EJB application transaction metrics reporting correctly for WebLogicIn version 3.8.0 of the agent, EJB application transaction metrics for WebLogic were reporting the data as the average value pe

June 30, 2014
Java agent v3.8.0

Experimental support for Java SE 8This version includes experimental support for Java 8. Code that is known to work with Java SE 8 and compiled for Java 6 or 7 (such as Tomcat 8, Play Framework 2.3, e

June 11, 2014
Java agent v3.7.2

Support for Play 2.3The Java Agent now provides full support for Play 2.3. In particular, transaction naming is based on the controller action

June 3, 2014
Java agent v3.7.1

Fix: NewRelic.setRequestAndResponse API call was not backward-compatibleImplementation classes of the com.newrelic.api.agent.Request and com.newrelic.api.agent.Response interfaces compiled with a pre-

May 20, 2014
Java agent v3.7.0

Flexible capturing of attributesThe Java agent offers the ability to fine tune the attributes being sent to New Relic. Please see our docs site for more information on configuring attributes: https://

April 24, 2014
Java agent v2.21.6

: This is a bugfix release for the legacy Java SE5 version of the agent. Unless you are a Java SE5 user, use the latest version of the agent.

Java agent v3.6.0

Enhanced XML for custom instrumentationThe custom XML xsd has been enhanced to support the instrumentation of interfaces, subclasses, and method annotations. These enhancements give you much more flex

March 27, 2014
Java agent v3.5.1

Fix: Auto-RUM bugStarting in version 3.5.0 of the Java agent, in rare cases Auto-RUM could cause the New Relic header to be placed within a script tag. This bug has been fixed. Fix: In rare cases, age

March 5, 2014
Java agent v2.21.5

PostgreSQL explain plan bugThere was a PostgreSQL bug that allowed parameters to be sent in explain plans under some circumstances. To avoid this issue, the New Relic agent now does not report explain

Java agent v3.5.0

New Relic supports WildFly 8.0The Java Agent now provides instrumentation for WildFly 8.0. You will see the same great visibility into your web transactions, app server stats, and frameworks that you

January 23, 2014
Java agent v3.4.2

Fix: Solr caches and Solr updates data not appearingStarting with version 3.4.1, Solr caches and updates were not appearing in the UI. This bug has been fixed. Fix: JVM tab thread pool, session, and t

January 21, 2014
Java agent v3.4.1

Fix: In some cases, Play 2.2 didn't report transactionsWhen a chain of promises resolved, specifically using Future.flatMap(), lingering promises prevented the transaction from completing, in which ca

January 16, 2014
Java agent v3.4.0

Fix: Java agent should honor enable_auto_app_namingStarting with Java agent 3.3.1, the enable_auto_app_naming flag was being ignored. This bug has been fixed. Fix: Setting configuration properties in

January 10, 2014
Java agent v3.3.2

Fix: Duplicate annotation exceptionIn some rare cases involving generated a proxy class, the application may encounter an exceptionAnnotationFormatError: Duplicate annotation for classThat bug has bee

January 7, 2014
Java agent v3.3.1

JMS MessagingNew Relic now gives you insight into the performance of your JMS message processing, both incoming and outgoing messages.New Relic now shows transactions initiated via JMS 1.1 message rec

December 16, 2013
Java agent v3.2.3

Fix: JBoss 7 fails to start with Java 1.6Starting with version 3.2.0 of the Java agent, JBoss 7 application servers fail to start when running Java 1.6. An IllegalStateException is printed to System.o

December 12, 2013
Java agent v3.2.2

Fix: Play 2.2 instrumentation in action methodsIn version 3.2.0 and 3.2.1, the Java agent failed to instrument calls present in a controller's action method. This means database calls, external calls,

December 6, 2013
Java agent v3.2.1

Fix: Exceptions thrown from conflicting JAXB versionsThe New Relic Java agent now supports customers using any JAXB or Xerces version. This bug was introduced in version 3.1.0. Fix: Usage of the newre

December 3, 2013
Java agent v3.2.0

Glassfish 4 metrics for JVM Memory, Thread Pool, and TransactionsNew Relic now displays JVM memory, thread pool, and transaction metrics for Glassfish 4. To expose these metrics, please set http-servi

November 5, 2013
Java agent v3.1.1

Fix: In some cases, metrics were not reported in Play 2 appsThe Java Agent now reports all metric data consistently. Fix: The Java Agent was unable to instrument classes in WSO2 API ManagerThe Java Ag

October 21, 2013
Java agent v3.1.0

Percentiles and HistogramsThe Java Agent now captures data that provides percentile and histogram views in the New Relic UI. JAX-RS annotation instrumentationThe Java Agent now instruments and names w

October 3, 2013
Java agent v3.0.1

Fix: Issue at startup with JBoss and GlassfishAn issue in the 3.0.0 version caused startup of some versions of JBoss and Glassfish to fail. This version fixes that issue. Fix: RUM not auto-instrumente

October 1, 2013
Java agent v3.0.0

Spring AOP instrumentationThis version instruments any call that passes through an AOP pointcut that you have declared in your Spring application. This gives your additional insight into the call time

September 10, 2013
Java agent v2.21.4

Fix: Metric Grouping Issue with NettyThe request URL was referenced in some metric names, causing Metric Explosion. The URL is no longer included in the metric name. Fix: Make Cookie parsing more robu

August 13, 2013
Java agent v2.21.3

Fix: Agent did not run with J2SE 5.0 (aka JDK 1.5)Release 2.21.0 - 2.21.2 did not run correctly on J2SE 5.0. On startup, the agent reports:If you are running J2SE 5.0, please update to agent version 2

August 10, 2013
Java agent v2.21.2

Fix: Longer application startup timeRelease 2.21.0 introduced an issue that could cause application startup to be slower than in previously releases. This fix returns application startup time to norma

August 9, 2013
Java agent v2.21.1

Fix: In 2.21.0, calls to NewRelic class can cause NoClassDefFoundErrorIn 2.21.0, if your application calls the NewRelic class and does not include the newrelic-api.jar, the application would throw a N

August 7, 2013
Java agent v2.21.0

X-Ray sessionsAdds support for X-Ray sessions. An X-Ray session collects Transaction Traces and a thread profile for a Key Transaction. Fix: In 2.20.0 an @Trace annotation ignored the transaction for

July 1, 2013
Java agent v2.20.0

Glassfish 2.1 JVM TabThe JVM tab will now show thread, session, and transaction metrics for Glassfish 2.1. Fix: Solr Cache MetricsThe solr cache metrics do not appear with versions 2.18 and 2.19 of th

June 14, 2013
Java agent v2.19.1

Fix for 2.19.0 known issue: Play now captures GET and POST parameters correctly if capture_params is enabled. Disabled overly ambitious instrumentation used to time template rendering for Play 2. Resu

May 29, 2013
Java agent v2.19.0

Play 2 InstrumentationProvides insight into Play 2.x Java and Scala applications. Adds instrumentation to Netty server, Akka actor calls, Scala Promises and Futures, and the WS API calls.Known issue:

May 7, 2013
Java agent v2.18.0

New metrics are displayed under the JVM tabWhile the metrics displayed differ between application servers, common metrics include loaded class count, active thread count, active thread count per threa

April 17, 2013
Java agent v2.17.2

Fix: Fixed bug in which application code can throw NoSuchMethodErrorIn some cases using Java agent 2.17.0 and 2.17.1, application code was throwing an exceptionjava.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.B

April 12, 2013
Java agent v2.17.1

Fix: Reverted transaction naming change on ColdFusion, introduced in 2.17.0.That change caused issues with certain modes of ColdFusion

April 11, 2013
Java agent v2.17.0

Agent reports JDBC ResultSet query timeThis change gives you deeper insight into your database time by displaying ResultSet processing time in aggregate metrics and transaction traces. Fix: Avoid retr

March 25, 2013
Java agent v2.16.0

Adds a stack trace in the transaction trace for slow methods.This change provides additional insight into your slowest transactions.You can adjust how slow a method is before it generates the stack tr

March 13, 2013
Java agent v2.15.1

Fix: Cross Application Tracing does not correlate consistently when using Tomcat 6+Cross Appplication Tracing did not correlate calling and called applications when the called application ran in Tomca

February 28, 2013
Java agent v2.15.0

Cross Application TracingThe Cross Application Tracing feature adds request and response headers to external calls using the Apache HttpClient libraries to provided better performance data when callin

February 15, 2013
Java agent v2.14.1

Fix: Application errors using java.net.HttpURLConnection. The bug, introduced in 2.14.0, could cause errors in code that uses java.net.HttpURLConnection. Possible errors could occur in XML parsing, in

February 8, 2013
Java agent v2.14.0

Fix: New Relic includes property take_last_status to only grab the final http status code.By default, New Relic reports any error status code. However, when this property is set to true, only the last

January 16, 2013
Java agent v2.13.0

Agent can be configured to not send JVM arguments to the New Relic serverThe property send_jvm_props can be set to false, which will cause JVM arguments to no longer be sent to the server. Use this se

December 6, 2012
Java agent v2.12.0

Agent reports jars used by applications to the Environments tab in the UIThe Environments tab in the New Relic UI now shows the jars used by your application. Fix: In certain cases, auto-RUM of JSP br

November 28, 2012
Java agent v2.11.0

Support Jetty Continuations. Support Servlet 3.0 async API for WebSphere. Bug fix: java.lang.ClassCircularityError in JBoss. Bug fix: Agent does not detect Solr 4.0. Bug fix: NewRelicIgnoreApdex annot

November 13, 2012
Java agent v2.10.1

Remove stall detection

October 31, 2012
Java agent v2.10.0

Instrumentation of Servlet 3.0 async processing. Processing initiated by startAsync is included in metrics and transaction traces. Custom instrumentation configured through an XML file. For details se

October 9, 2012
Java agent v2.9.0

Support for Key Transactions. Key Transactions let you closely monitor these important key business transactions and receive alerts when they are performing poorly. For more information see the full d

September 11, 2012
Java agent v2.8.0

Supports basic proxy authentication for the case where there is a proxy server between the agent and the internet. The configuration uses proxy_user and proxy_password settings. To avoid reporting the

July 31, 2012
Java agent v2.7.0

Add skipTransactionTrace element to @Trace annotation to tell Agent to drop method from transaction trace. Add -Dnewrelic.bootstrap_classpath=true system property to append newrelic.jar to bootstrap c

June 6, 2012
Java agent v2.6.0

Java 7: Native support for instrumenting classes compiled to Java 7 bytecode. Audit Mode: mode which logs all data sent to New Relic in the newrelic_agent.log. Bug fix: Prevent agent instrumentation f

May 1, 2012
Java agent v2.5.0

Browser traces. Bug fix: OC4J does not start (introduced in 2.2.0). Bug fix: AbstractMethodError calling getRemoteUser in Tomcat and Glassfish. Bug fix: Deployment does not use SSL port if SSL is conf

April 18, 2012
Java agent v2.4.2

Bug fix: ClassLoader.loadClass deadlock (introduced in 2.4.0)

April 2, 2012
Java agent v2.4.1

Bug fix: AssertionError in WebLogic (introduced in 2.2.0)

March 27, 2012
Java agent v2.4.0

Bug fix: ClassNotFoundException with JBoss AS 7 (introduced in 2.2.0). Bug fix: NoClassDefFoundError with Glassfish 3.1.2 (introduced in 2.2.0). Bug fix: ClassCastException with Glassfish 3.1.1 (intro

February 13, 2012
Java agent v2.3.1

Bug fix: Agent logging breaks webapp log4j configuration (introduced in 2.3.0)

February 1, 2012
Java agent v2.3.0

Play! framework support. Create web transactions using custom instrumentation. Use log4j instead of Java API logging. Bug fix: RUM auto instrumentation fixes. Bug fix: multiple app names in app_name s

December 29, 2011
Java agent v2.2.1

Bug fix: ClassFormatError and NoClassDefFoundError instrumenting proxy classes. Bug fix: transaction trace threshold not working (introduced in 2.2.0). Bug fix: infinite loop instrumenting parameteriz

December 6, 2011
Java agent v2.2.0

Performance improvements. Support server-side configuration. Bug fix: byte-code instrumentation causes class loading deadlock and OS memory explosion

November 7, 2011
Java agent v2.1.2

Performance improvements. Bug fix: parse inner select SQL statements. Bug fix: execute SQL statement not recognized

October 7, 2011
Java agent v2.1.0

Report slow SQL statements. Performance improvements. Continue to record metrics after transaction trace limit is reached. Bug fix: never drop data. Bug fix: Agent destructively reads request paramete

August 30, 2011
Java agent v2.0.4

Bug fix: RUM: handle duplicate injection of our JS header and footer. Bug fix: fix the license key hint that is inserted into the auto-generated configuration file. Allow logging to standard out. Allo

August 4, 2011
Java agent v2.0.3

Bug fix: RUM: Tag files not compiling in Jasper. Bug fix: RUM: header not always inserted after meta tags. Bug fix: NullPointerException if filter config is null. Bug fix: Fix IE measurement problem i

June 16, 2011
Java agent v2.0.2

Bug fix: Auto RUM compiler error instrumenting some JSPs. Bug fix: Auto RUM should inject header after meta tags. Bug fix: Installer does not modify start script if another javaagent switch is present

May 23, 2011
Java agent v2.0.1

Bug fix: JBoss fails to start with JMX errors (introduced in 1.4.0)

May 9, 2011
Java agent v2.0.0

Auto Real User Monitoring. Support for X-Request-Start, X-Queue-Start, and X-Queue-Time request headers. Bug fix: newrelic-api.jar does not work with Java 1.5. Bug fix: NullPointerException instrument

April 11, 2011
Java agent v1.4.0

Real User Monitoring. Bug fix: setting 'ignore_status_codes' to a single value is ignored

March 17, 2011
Java agent v1.3.0

Component-based transaction naming. Agent API. Multiple applications enhancements. Send data to RPM in UTF-8 format. Bug fix: ClassCastException setting record_sql: off

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