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Java agent v3.11.0

September 30, 2014Download


  • Spring Web Services
    • The Java Agent now supports Spring Web Services. Transactions are named based on the SOAP method name. The agent also reports the SOAP version, content type, and SOAP Action.
  • Support for Auto-RUM and precompiled JSPs
    • The Java agent now provides auto rum support when precompiling JSPs. To use auto rum when precompiling JSP files, add the agent as a java agent to your pre-compilation process.


  • Fix: Under some circumstances the agent would report a LinkageError
  • Fix: Grails 2 transaction names had extra slash
  • Fix for auto-RUM
    • In some cases when a script tag is before a head tag in a JSP file, the auto RUM instrumentation was failing to place the initial New Relic header script in the page.
  • Fix: Reduce overhead of Akka instrumentation when not used in conjunction with Play/Netty
  • Fix: RabbitMQ instrumentation reported unnecessary transactions
    • basicPublish, basicGet, and nextDelivery no longer start short-lived  transactions.
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