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Java agent v5.3.0

July 24, 2019Download


  • gRPC

    The Java agent now has support for gRPC version 1.22

  • Dragonwell JDK

    The Java agent now fully supports Alibaba's Dragonwell JDK

  • Azul Zing

    The Java agent now supports Azul's Zing JVM

  • Enables ability to migrate to Configurable Security Policies (CSP) on a per agent basis for accounts already using High Security Mode (HSM.

    When both HSM and CSP are enabled for an account, an agent (this version or later) can successfully connect with either high_security: true or the appropriate security_policies_token configured.


  • LinkageError for applications using both OpenJ9 and Log4J log manager
  • ClassNotFoundException for applications that specify a Log4j ContextSelector via the -DLog4jContextSelector system property
  • Akka-http instrumentation would name transactions incorrectly when using an asynchronous onComplete callback to match routes
  • The agent’s JaxRS instrumentation did not apply to cases where a concrete class implements the same method from two different interfaces
  • The agent would not report JMX metrics when one or more composite attributes were null
  • Race condition that could throw a NullPointerException in the agent log during class transformation
  • Akka-http path matching instrumentation could produce NullPointerExceptions when using a "repeat" path segment with no values. Transactions that pass some values will report as-is, but transactions that pass no values will be reported with a different segment in the metric name: "().repeat()"
  • ignore_status_codes system property was not getting applied correctly
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