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Java agent v4.5.0

September 4, 2018Download


  • Apache HttpAsyncClient

    The Java agent now provides instrumentation for Apache HttpAsyncClient 4.1+. You will see your HttpAsyncClient calls as externals in New Relic.

  • AsyncHttpClient

    The Java agent now provides instrumentation for AsyncHttpClient. You will now see the time spent in external service calls made using AsyncHttpClient in New Relic. If the external service is also running New Relic, you will see cross application tracing (CAT) details as well.

  • Vert.x 3.5

    The Java agent now provides visibility into your applications built using the Vert.x 3.5. The agent instruments Vert.x Web, Vert.x Core, and Vert.x HTTP client. With this instrumentation, the agent will identify and name your transactions based on Vert.x web routing paths. The agent will also time web handlers, track async handlers, and external calls made with Vert.x HTTP client.

  • JBoss EAP 7

    The Java Agent now provides instrumentation for JBoss EAP 7. You will now see the same visibility into your web transactions, app server stats, and frameworks that you have with previous versions of JBoss EAP.

  • Play 2.7

    The Java Agent now provides instrumentation for Play 2.7. The previous Java agent release supports versions of Play up to 2.6.

  • WebSphere Liberty

    Added ThreadPool metrics for WebSphere Liberty Profile. You will now see the active threads in the Threads tab of the JVM metrics page


  • Fixes an issue where OKHttp 3 was not tracking external total time correctly.
  • Fixes an issue where for some JDBC drivers, the agent would execute additional getMetaData queries..
  • Fixes an issue with the agent’s Scala instrumentation that could result in incorrect throughput, invalid or negative data in transaction segments, or inability to ignore status codes.
  • Fixes an issue with the play-ws instrumentation that caused ClassNotFound exceptions to occur in the agent logs when withHeaders is used. This could result incomplete transactions and attributes in RPM.
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